Despoina Schina
Despoina Schina
Stimmuli for Social Change
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Cited by
An overview of teacher training programs in educational robotics: characteristics, best practices and recommendations
D Schina, V Esteve-González, M Usart
Education and Information Technologies 26 (3), 2831-2852, 2021
An associational study: Preschool teachers’ acceptance and self-efficacy towards Educational Robotics in a pre-service teacher training program
D Schina, C Valls-Bautista, A Borrull-Riera, M Usart, V Esteve-González
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 18, 1-20, 2021
The Integration of Sustainable Development Goals in Educational Robotics: A Teacher Education Experience
D Schina, V Esteve-González, M Usart, JL Lázaro-Cantabrana, M Gisbert
Sustainability 12 (23), 10085, 2020
Are 21st Century Skills Evaluated in Robotics Competitions? The Case of First LEGO League Competition.
M Usart, D Schina, V Esteve-Gonzalez, M Gisbert
CSEDU (1), 445-452, 2019
Teachers’ perceptions of bee-bot robotic toy and their ability to integrate it in their teaching
D Schina, V Esteve-Gonzalez, M Usart
International conference on robotics in education (RiE), 121-132, 2020
Teachers’ Experience and Perceptions of Sustainable Digitalization in School Education: An Existential Phenomenological Study of Teachers in Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Iceland …
D Vlachopoulos, RB Thorkelsdóttir, D Schina, JG Jónsdóttir
Sustainability 15 (18), 13353, 2023
INTROBOT: introducción de la robótica educativa en el grado de educación infantil
A Borrull, D Schina, C Valls Bautista, M Vallverdú
Octaedro, 2020
Teacher Views on Educational Robotics and Its Introduction to the Compulsory Curricula.
D Schina, M Usart, V Esteve-Gonzalez, M Gisbert
CSEDU (1), 147-154, 2020
Participants’ perceptions about their learning with first LEGO® league competition–a gender study
D Schina, M Usart, V Esteve-Gonzalez
International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE), 313-324, 2019
The role of gender in students’ achievement and self-efficacy in STEM
D Schina, V Esteve-González, M Usart
Research, technology and best practices in Education, 28-38, 2019
Gender differences in students’ feedback and performance in Scratch programming
D Schina, VE González, MU Rodríguez
Conference Proceedings EDUNOVATIC 2018: 3rd Virtual International Conference …, 2019
Com mesurar la percepció de les habilitats digitals: diferències de gènere entre l'alumnat de primer cicle de primària
M Usart Rodríguez, D Schina, V Esteve González, M Sanromà Giménez, ...
2n Congrés Dones, Ciència i Tecnologia: WSCITECH21: Terrassa, 25 i 26 de …, 2021
Introducción del pensamiento computacional a través de ScratchJr en el grado de educación infantil
CV Bautista, A Borrull, VE González, D Schina
Nuevos retos educativos en la enseñanza superior frente al desafío COVID-19 …, 2021
Interactive Digital Storytelling For A Playful And Engaging School Education: The Interacted Erasmus+ Project
P Digkoglou, S Falconi, E Lykogianni, L Profiri, D Schina, D Vlachopoulos
ICERI2022 Proceedings, 6926-6933, 2022
Introducción del pensamiento computacional a través de ScratchJr en el grado de educación infantil
A Borrull Riera, V Esteve Gonzalez, D Schina, C Valls Bautista
Introducción del pensamiento computacional a través de ScratchJr en el grado de educación infantil
C Valls Bautista, A Borrull, V Esteve González, D Schina
Octaedro, 2021
INTERACTed–Πρόγραμμα Επαγγελματικής Ανάπτυξης.
L Profiri, S Falconi, M Bassi, AMCS Pluriversum, D Papagiorgi, ...
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Articles 1–17