Hui Wang
Hui Wang
The Education University of Hong Kong
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Cited by
Self-efficacy and causal attributions in teachers: Effects on burnout, job satisfaction, illness, and quitting intentions
H Wang, NC Hall, S Rahimi
Teaching and Teacher Education 47, 120-130, 2015
Antecedents and consequences of teachers’ emotional labor: A systematic review and meta-analytic investigation
H Wang, NC Hall, JL Taxer
Educational Psychology Review 31, 663-698, 2019
Teachers’ occupational attributes and their psychological wellbeing, job satisfaction, occupational self-concept and quitting intentions
DM McInerney, H Korpershoek, H Wang, AJS Morin
Teaching and Teacher Education 71, 145-158, 2018
A systematic review of teachers’ causal attributions: Prevalence, correlates, and consequences
H Wang, NC Hall
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2305, 2018
Teachers' goal orientations: Effects on classroom goal structures and emotions
H Wang, NC Hall, T Goetz, AC Frenzel
British Journal of Educational Psychology 87 (1), 90-107, 2017
Exploring relations between teacher emotions, coping strategies, and intentions to quit: A longitudinal analysis
H Wang, NC Hall
Journal of School Psychology 86, 64-77, 2021
When “I care” is not enough: An interactional analysis of teacher values, value congruence, and well-being
H Wang, NC Hall
Teaching and Teacher Education 86, 102906, 2019
Coping profiles among Teachers: Implications for Emotions, job Satisfaction, Burnout, and quitting intentions
H Wang, SY Lee, NC Hall
Contemporary Educational Psychology 68, 102030, 2022
Are good teachers born or made? Teachers who hold a growth mindset about their teaching ability have better well-being
MJN Nalipay, RB King, IG Mordeno, H Wang
Educational Psychology 42 (1), 23-41, 2022
Satisfied teachers are good teachers: The association between teacher job satisfaction and instructional quality
MG Harrison, RB King, H Wang
British Educational Research Journal 49 (3), 476-498, 2023
Validation of the English and French versions of the brief health care climate questionnaire
Z Czajkowska, H Wang, NC Hall, M Sewitch, A Körner
Health psychology open 4 (2), 2055102917730675, 2017
Teachers’ emotion regulation and related environmental, personal, instructional, and well-being factors: A meta-analysis
H Wang, I Burić, ML Chang, JJ Gross
Social psychology of education 26 (6), 1651-1696, 2023
A longitudinal investigation of teachers’ emotional labor, well-being, and perceived student engagement
H Wang, NC Hall, RB King
Educational Psychology 41 (10), 1319-1336, 2021
Teachers' social goals and classroom engagement: The mediating role of teachers' self-efficacy
CF Chang, NC Hall, SY Lee, H Wang
International Journal of Educational Research 113, 101952, 2022
Ability grouping and student performance: A longitudinal investigation of teacher support as a mediator and moderator
H Wang, RB King, DM McInerney
Research Papers in Education 38 (2), 121-142, 2023
Upward, Downward, and Horizontal Social Comparisons: Effects on Adjustment, Emotions and Persistence in Teachers
S Rahimi, NC Hall, H Wang, R Maymon
Interdisciplinary Education and Psychology 1 (1), 10, 2017
Longitudinal relationships between teachers’ utility values and quitting intentions: A person-organization fit perspective
H Wang, RM Klassen
Teaching and Teacher Education 127, 104109, 2023
A diary investigation of teachers’ emotional labor for negative emotions: Its associations with perceived student disengagement and emotional exhaustion
H Wang, I Burić
Teaching and Teacher Education 127, 104117, 2023
Conflicting or compatible? Evaluating teachers’ self-transcendence versus self-enhancement values from a multilevel perspective
H Wang, RB King, DM McInerney
Current Psychology 42 (9), 7224-7234, 2023
Exploring the Structure of Teachers’ Emotional Labor in the Classroom: A Multitrait–Multimethod Analysis
H Wang, NC Hall, MM Chiu, T Goetz, K Gogol
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 39 (3), 122-134, 2020
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Articles 1–20