Faith Wambura Ngunjiri
Cited by
Cited by
Collaborative autoethnography
H Chang, F Ngunjiri, KAC Hernandez
Routledge, 2016
Living autoethnography: Connecting life and research
FW Ngunjiri, KAC Hernandez, H Chang
Journal of research practice 6 (1), E1-E1, 2010
Corporate social responsibility reporting in South Africa: A descriptive and comparative analysis
C Dawkins, FW Ngunjiri
The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 45 (3), 286-307, 2008
Exploiting the margins in higher education: A collaborative autoethnography of three foreign-born female faculty of color
KAC Hernandez, FW Ngunjiri, H Chang
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 28 (5), 533-551, 2015
Collaborative autoethnography as multivocal, relational, and democratic research: Opportunities, challenges, and aspirations
KAC Hernandez, H Chang, FW Ngunjiri
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 32 (2), 251-254, 2017
Problematizing authentic leadership: A collaborative autoethnography of immigrant women of color leaders in higher education
FW Ngunjiri, KAC Hernandez
Advances in Developing Human Resources 19 (4), 393-406, 2017
Lessons in spiritual leadership from Kenyan women
F Wambura Ngunjiri
Journal of Educational Administration 48 (6), 755-768, 2010
Women's spiritual leadership in Africa: Tempered radicals and critical servant leaders
FW Ngunjiri
State University of New York Press, 2010
“I am because we are” Exploring women’s leadership under ubuntu worldview
FW Ngunjiri
Advances in Developing Human Resources 18 (2), 223-242, 2016
Relationships and communities in autoethnography
KC Hernandez, FW Ngunjiri
Handbook of autoethnography, 262-280, 2013
Tempered radicals: Black women’s leadership in the church and community
FW Ngunjiri, S Gramby-Sobukwe, K Williams-Gegner
Journal of Pan African Studies 5 (2), 84-109, 2012
Women as global leaders
FW Ngunjiri, SR Madsen
IAP, 2015
Painting a Counter-Narrative of African Womanhood: Reflections on How My Research Transformed Me.
FW Ngunjiri
Journal of Research Practice 3 (1), M4, 2007
Women and leadership around the world
FW Ngunjiri, KA Longman, C Cherrey
Information Age Publishing, 2015
Diversity in under-researched countries: new empirical fields challenging old theories?
A Klarsfeld, L Knappert, A Kornau, FW Ngunjiri, B Sieben
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 38 (7), 694-704, 2019
Leadership views on corporate chaplains: Business, sociocultural, and spiritual justifications
DW Miller, FW Ngunjiri
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 12 (2), 129-155, 2015
Tempered radicals and servant leaders: Portraits of spirited leadership amongst African women leaders
FW Ngunjiri
Bowling Green State University, 2006
Human resources perceptions of corporate chaplains: enhancing positive organizational culture
DW Miller, FW Ngunjiri, JD LoRusso
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 14 (3), 196-215, 2017
Diversity in India: Addressing caste, disability and gender
R Haq, A Klarsfeld, A Kornau, FW Ngunjiri
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 39 (6), 585-596, 2020
Future strategies for developing women as leaders
FW Ngunjiri, RA Gardiner
Handbook of research on gender and leadership, 423-437, 2017
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Articles 1–20