Ruud Weijermars
Ruud Weijermars
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Rheological and tectonic modeling of salt provinces
R Weijermars, MPA Jackson, B Vendeville
Tectonophysics 217 (1-2), 143-174, 1993
Scaling of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid dynamics without inertia for quantitative modelling of rock flow due to gravity (including the concept of rheological similarity)
R Weijermars, H Schmeling
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 43 (4), 316-330, 1986
Flow behaviour and physical chemistry of bouncing putties and related polymers in view of tectonic laboratory applications
R Weijermars
Tectonophysics 124 (3-4), 325-358, 1986
Economic appraisal of shale gas plays in Continental Europe
R Weijermars
Applied Energy 106, 100-115, 2013
Uplift history of a Betic fold nappe inferred from Neogene-Quaternary sedimentation and tectonics (in the Sierra Alhamilla and Almeria, Sorbas and Tabernas Basins of the Betic …
R Weijermars, TB Roep, B Van den Eeckhout, G Postma, K Kleverlaan
Geologie en Mijnbouw 64, 397-411, 1985
Geology and tectonics of the Betic Zone, SE Spain
R Weijermars
Earth-Science Reviews 31 (3-4), 153-236, 1991
Neogene tectonics in the Western Mediterranean may have caused the Messinian Salinity Crisis and an associated glacial event
R Weijermars
Tectonophysics 148 (3-4), 211-219, 1988
A numerical model for simulating pressure response of well interference and well performance in tight oil reservoirs with complex–fracture geometries using the fast embedded …
W Yu, Y Xu, R Weijermars, K Wu, K Sepehrnoori
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 21 (02), 489-502, 2018
Physical models for inter-well interference in shale reservoirs: Relative impacts of fracture hits and matrix permeability
W Yu, K Wu, L Zuo, X Tan, R Weijermars
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTEC-2457663-MS, 2016
Left-lateral transpressive deformation and its tectonic implications, Sveconorwegian orogen, Baltic Shield, southwestern Sweden
MB Stephens, CH Wahlgren, R Weijermars, AR Cruden
Precambrian Research 79 (3-4), 261-279, 1996
The Palomares brittle—Ductile shear zone of southern Spain
R Weijermars
Journal of Structural Geology 9 (2), 139-157, 1987
The role of stress in ductile deformation
R Weijermars
Journal of Structural Geology 13 (9), 1061-1078, 1991
US shale gas production outlook based on well roll-out rate scenarios
R Weijermars
Applied Energy 124, 283-297, 2014
Review of models and actors in energy mix optimization–can leader visions and decisions align with optimum model strategies for our future energy systems?
R Weijermars, P Taylor, O Bahn, SR Das, YM Wei
Energy Strategy Reviews 1 (1), 5-18, 2012
Principles of rock mechanics
R Weijermars
Alboran Science Publishing, 1997
The structure and tectonic evolution of the Aguilón fold-nappe, Sierra Alhamilla, Betic Cordilleras, SE Spain
JP Platt, B Van den Eeckhout, E Janzen, G Konert, OJ Simon, ...
Journal of structural Geology 5 (5), 519-538, 1983
Impact of well interference on shale oil production performance: a numerical model for analyzing pressure response of fracture hits with complex geometries
W Yu, Y Xu, R Weijermars, K Wu, K Sepehrnoori
SPE hydraulic fracturing technology conference and exhibition, D021S003R008, 2017
Uplift and subsidence history of the Alboran Basin and a profile of the Alboran Diapir (W-Mediterranean).
R Weijermars
Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 64 (4), 349-356, 1985
Unconventional gas research initiative for clean energy transition in Europe
R Weijermars, G Drijkoningen, TJ Heimovaara, ESJ Rudolph, GJ Weltje, ...
Journal of Natural gas science and Engineering 3 (2), 402-412, 2011
Value chain analysis of the natural gas industry: Lessons from the US regulatory success and opportunities for Europe
R Weijermars
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2 (2-3), 86-104, 2010
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Articles 1–20