Rachel M. Saef
Cited by
Cited by
Automated video interview personality assessments: Reliability, validity, and generalizability investigations.
L Hickman, N Bosch, V Ng, R Saef, L Tay, SE Woo
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (8), 1323, 2022
Psychometric and validity issues in machine learning approaches to personality assessment: A focus on social media text mining
L Tay, SE Woo, L Hickman, RM Saef
European Journal of Personality 34 (5), 826-844, 2020
Developing and evaluating language‐based machine learning algorithms for inferring applicant personality in video interviews
L Hickman, R Saef, V Ng, SE Woo, L Tay, N Bosch
Human Resource Management Journal 34 (2), 255-274, 2024
Fostering socio-informational behaviors online: The interactive effect of openness to experience and extraversion
R Saef, SE Woo, J Carpenter, L Tay
Personality and Individual Differences 122, 93-98, 2018
The need for cognition: Key concepts, assessment, and role in educational outcomes
AT Jebb, R Saef, S Parrigon, SE Woo
Psychosocial skills and school systems in the 21st century: Theory, research …, 2016
Getting off on the right foot: The role of openness to experience in fostering initial trust between culturally dissimilar partners
RM Saef, CM Porter, SE Woo, C Wiese
Journal of Research in Personality 79, 176-187, 2019
Cultural and intellectual openness differentially relate to social judgments of potential work partners
CM Porter, SE Parrigon, SE Woo, RM Saef, L Tay
Journal of Personality 85 (5), 632-642, 2017
Openness to experience
SE Woo, R Saef, S Parrigon
Elsevier, 2015
The curious dynamic between openness and interests in creativity.
SE Woo, MG Keith, R Su, R Saef, S Parrigon
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Competencies for state college and university presidents
DE Rupp, C Batz, M Keith, V Ng, R Saef, A Howland
Washington DC: American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 2016
Openness to Experience Vol. 17
SE Woo, R Saef, S Parrigon
Elsevier, 2015
Examining the dynamic nature of worker subjective well-being: The application of idiographic approaches
RM Saef, E Beck, JJ Jackson
Examining and Exploring the Shifting Nature of Occupational Stress and Well …, 2021
Automated speech recognition bias in personnel selection: The case of automatically scored job interviews.
L Hickman, M Langer, RM Saef, L Tay
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2024
Competencies for state college and university presidents. American Association of State Colleges and Universities
DE Rupp, C Batz, M Keith, V Ng, R Saef, A Howland
Openness to Experience. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: (Second Edi, Vol. 17)
SE Woo, R Saef, S Parrigon
Elsevier. https://doi. org/10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.25072-1, 2015
The influence of personality on emotional and behavioral responses to psychological contract breach
RM Saef, T Köhler, A Jebb
Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2024
The Role of Individual Differences in Entrepreneurs’ Adaptations to Gains or Losses
T Michaelis, D Rau, NA Smith, R Saef
Academy of Management Proceedings 2024 (1), 13871, 2024
The Role of Personality in Construing and Reacting to Work Situations
RM Saef
Purdue University, 2019
Trust as a regulated response to cultural diversity at work: The moderating role of openness to experience
RM Saef
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Articles 1–19