Stephan Jennewein
Stephan Jennewein
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Cited by
Observation of suppression of light scattering induced by dipole-dipole interactions in a cold-atom ensemble
J Pellegrino, R Bourgain, S Jennewein, YRP Sortais, A Browaeys, ...
Physical review letters 113 (13), 133602, 2014
Coherent scattering of near-resonant light by a dense microscopic cold atomic cloud
S Jennewein, M Besbes, NJ Schilder, SD Jenkins, C Sauvan, ...
Physical review letters 116 (23), 233601, 2016
Collective resonance fluorescence in small and dense atom clouds: Comparison between theory and experiment
SD Jenkins, J Ruostekoski, J Javanainen, S Jennewein, R Bourgain, ...
Physical Review A 94 (2), 023842, 2016
Optical resonance shifts in the fluorescence of thermal and cold atomic gases
SD Jenkins, J Ruostekoski, J Javanainen, R Bourgain, S Jennewein, ...
Physical Review Letters 116 (18), 183601, 2016
Polaritonic modes in a dense cloud of cold atoms
NJ Schilder, C Sauvan, JP Hugonin, S Jennewein, YRP Sortais, ...
Physical Review A 93 (6), 063835, 2016
Coherent scattering of near-resonant light by a dense, microscopic cloud of cold two-level atoms: Experiment versus theory
S Jennewein, L Brossard, YRP Sortais, A Browaeys, P Cheinet, J Robert, ...
Physical Review A 97 (5), 053816, 2018
Direct measurement of the Wigner time delay for the scattering of light by a single atom
R Bourgain, J Pellegrino, S Jennewein, YRP Sortais, A Browaeys
Optics letters 38 (11), 1963-1965, 2013
Propagation of light through small clouds of cold interacting atoms
S Jennewein, YRP Sortais, JJ Greffet, A Browaeys
Physical Review A 94 (5), 053828, 2016
Observation of the failure of lorentz local field theory in the optical response of dense and cold atomic systems
S Jennewein, M Besbes, NJ Schilder, SD Jenkins, C Sauvan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.08041 20, 21, 2015
Réponse optique de nuage Rb87 dense
S Jennewein
Université Paris Saclay (COmUE), 2017
Optical resonance shifts in thermal and cold Rb atomic gases
J Ruostekoski, SD Jenkins, J Javanainen, R Bourgain, S Jennewein, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 …, 2016
Dataset supporting the article" Optical Resonance Shifts in the Fluorescence of Thermal and Cold Atomic Gases"
S Jenkins, J Ruostekoski, J Javanainen, R Bourgain, S Jennewein, ...
University of Southampton, 2016
Dataset for the article" Collective resonance fluorescence in small and dense atom clouds: Comparison between theory and experiment"
S Jenkins, J Ruostekoski, J Javanainen, S Jennewein, R Bourgain, ...
University of Southampton, 2016
Polaritonic modes in a dense cloud of atoms
N Schilder, C Sauvan, JP Hugonin, S Jennewein, Y Sortais, A Browaeys, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.07993, 2015
Near-resonance light scattering by an ensemble of interacting atoms (Orale)
A Browaeys
Resonances and non hermitian quantum mechanics in nuclear and atomic physics, 2014
Experimental investigation of long range dipole-dipole interaction between cold atoms (Orale)
A Browaeys, L Beguin, A Vernier, S Ravets, D Barredo, H Labuhn, ...
Satellite workshop of San Feliu BEC,“Long-range interaction in the ultra-cold”, 2013
Near-resonant light scattering by small clouds containing a few cold atoms (Orale)
R Bourgain, J Pellegrino, S Jennewein, YRP Sortais, A Browaeys
ECAMP11, 2013
Evaporative cooling of a few hundred atoms in a single-beam microscopic optical dipole trap (poster)
YRP Sortais, R Bourgain, J Pellegrino, S Jennewein, A Browaeys
21st International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS 2013), 2013
Near-resonant light scattering by small clouds containing a few cold atoms (Orale)
J Pellegrino, R Bourgain, S Jennewein, YRP Sortais, A Browaeys
21th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS 2013), 2013
Interaction of light with a mesoscopic ensemble of atoms (Orale)
J Pellegrino, R Bourgain, S Jennewein, YRP Sortais, A Browaeys
GDR Workshop" Atomes froids et ingénierie quantique", 2013
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Articles 1–20