Malek Sarhani
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Cited by
Initialization of metaheuristics: comprehensive review, critical analysis, and research directions
M Sarhani, S Voß, R Jovanovic
International Transactions in Operational Research 30 (6), 3361-3397, 2023
Intelligent system based support vector regression for supply chain demand forecasting
M Sarhani, A El Afia
2014 second world conference on complex systems (WCCS), 79-83, 2014
Review of transit data sources: potentials, challenges and complementarity
L Ge, M Sarhani, S Voß, L Xie
Sustainability 13 (20), 11450, 2021
Investigation of hidden markov model for the tuning of metaheuristics in airline scheduling problems
O Aoun, M Sarhani, A El Afia
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (3), 347-352, 2016
Electric Load Forecasting Using Hybrid Machine Learning Approach Incorporating Feature Selection.
M Sarhani, A El Afia
BDCA, 1-7, 2015
Hidden markov model classifier for the adaptive particle swarm optimization
O Aoun, M Sarhani, AE Afia
Recent developments in metaheuristics, 1-15, 2018
Hidden markov model control of inertia weight adaptation for Particle swarm optimization
A El Afia, M Sarhani, O Aoun
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 9997-10002, 2017
Facing the feature selection problem with a binary PSO-GSA approach
M Sarhani, AE Afia, R Faizi
Recent developments in metaheuristics, 447-462, 2018
Applications of real-time data to reduce air emissions in maritime ports
P Cammin, M Sarhani, L Heilig, S Voß
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 31-48, 2020
Particle swarm optimisation with population size and acceleration coefficients adaptation using hidden Markov model state classification
O Aoun, M Sarhani, AE Afia
International Journal of Metaheuristics 7 (1), 1-29, 2018
Feature selection and parameter optimization of support vector regression for electric load forecasting
M Sarhani, A El Afia
2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies …, 2016
Review of transit data sources: potentials, challenges and complementarity. Sustainability 13 (20): 11450
L Ge, M Sarhani, S Voß, L Xie
Chunking and cooperation in particle swarm optimization for feature selection
M Sarhani, S Voß
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 90 (7), 893-913, 2022
Hybrid approach-based support vector machine for electric load forecasting incorporating feature selection
M Sarhani, AE Afia, R Faizi
International journal of big data intelligence 4 (3), 141-148, 2017
Simultaneous feature selection and parameter optimisation of support vector machine using adaptive particle swarm gravitational search algorithm
M Sarhani, AE Afia
International journal of metaheuristics 5 (1), 51-66, 2016
Forecasting demand with support vector regression technique combined with X13-ARIMA-SEATS method in the presence of calendar effect
M Sarhani, A El Afia
International Journal of Applied Logistics (IJAL) 5 (2), 74-86, 2014
Particle swarm optimization for model selection of aircraft maintenance predictive models
A El Afia, M Sarhani
Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on Big Data, Cloud and …, 2017
Particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving airline crew scheduling problem
O Ezzinbi, M Sarhani, A El Afia, Y Benadada
2014 International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, 52-56, 2014
A metaheuristic approach for solving the airline maintenance routing with aircraft on ground problem
O Ezzinbi, M Sarhani, A El Afia, Y Benadada
2014 International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, 48-52, 2014
Forecasting demand with support vector regression technique incorporating feature selection in the presence of calendar effect
M Sarhani, A El Afia
Contemporary Approaches and Strategies for Applied Logistics, 302-316, 2018
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Articles 1–20