Mossab Alzweighi
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Cited by
The influence of structural variations on the constitutive response and strain variations in thin fibrous materials
M Alzweighi, R Mansour, J Lahti, U Hirn, A Kulachenko
Acta Materialia 203, 116460, 2021
Evaluation of Hoffman and Xia plasticity models against bi-axial tension experiments of planar fiber network materials
M Alzweighi, R Mansour, J Tryding, A Kulachenko
International Journal of Solids and Structures 238, 111358, 2022
Anisotropic damage behavior in fiber-based materials: Modeling and experimental validation
M Alzweighi, J Tryding, R Mansour, E Borgqvist, A Kulachenko
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 181, 105430, 2023
Predicting moisture penetration dynamics in paper with machine learning approach
M Alzweighi, R Mansour, A Maass, U Hirn, A Kulachenko
International Journal of Solids and Structures 288, 112602, 2024
Modelling Fiber Network Materials: Micromechanics, Constitutive Behaviour and AI
M Alzweighi
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2023
Decoupling the effect of fiber orientation and drying conditions on the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of paper
M Alzweighia, R Mansoura, J Lahtib, U Hirnb, A Kulachenkoa
Progress in Paper Physics Seminar, 2020
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Articles 1–6