Tim Oates
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Cited by
Time series classification from scratch with deep neural networks: A strong baseline
Z Wang, W Yan, T Oates
2017 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1578-1585, 2017
Imaging time-series to improve classification and imputation
Z Wang, T Oates
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.00327, 2015
Encoding time series as images for visual inspection and classification using tiled convolutional neural networks
Z Wang, T Oates
Workshops at the twenty-ninth AAAI conference on artificial intelligence, 2015
Efficient progressive sampling
F Provost, D Jensen, T Oates
Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 1999
Clustering time series with hidden markov models and dynamic time warping
T Oates, L Firoiu, PR Cohen
Proceedings of the IJCAI-99 workshop on neural, symbolic and reinforcement …, 1999
Detecting spam blogs: A machine learning approach
P Kolari, A Java, T Finin, T Oates, A Joshi
Proceedings of the national conference on artificial intelligence 21 (2), 1351, 2006
The effects of training set size on decision tree complexity
T Oates, D Jensen
Sixth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 379-390, 1997
Modeling the spread of influence on the blogosphere
A Java, P Kolari, T Finin, T Oates
UMBC TR-CS-06-03, 2006
Cooperative information-gathering: a distributed problem-solving approach
T Oates, MVN Prasad, VR Lesser
IEE Proceedings-Software 144 (1), 72-88, 1997
Identifying distinctive subsequences in multivariate time series by clustering
T Oates
Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 1999
A method for clustering the experiences of a mobile robot that accords with human judgments
T Oates, MD Schmill, PR Cohen
AAAI/IAAI, 846-851, 2000
Searching for structure in multiple streams of data
T Oates, PR Cohen
ICML 96, 346-354, 1996
Time series anomaly discovery with grammar-based compression.
P Senin, J Lin, X Wang, T Oates, S Gandhi, AP Boedihardjo, C Chen, ...
Edbt, 481-492, 2015
A review of recent research in metareasoning and metalearning
ML Anderson, T Oates
AI Magazine 28 (1), 12-12, 2007
A flexible multichannel EEG feature extractor and classifier for seizure detection
A Page, C Sagedy, E Smith, N Attaran, T Oates, T Mohsenin
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 62 (2), 109-113, 2014
Deep belief networks used on high resolution multichannel electroencephalography data for seizure detection
JT Turner, A Page, T Mohsenin, T Oates
2014 aaai spring symposium series, 2014
Grammarviz 2.0: a tool for grammar-based pattern discovery in time series
P Senin, J Lin, X Wang, T Oates, S Gandhi, AP Boedihardjo, C Chen, ...
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2014
Hierarchical bayesian models for latent attribute detection in social media
D Rao, M Paul, C Fink, D Yarowsky, T Oates, G Coppersmith
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 5 …, 2011
Using dynamic time warping to bootstrap HMM-based clustering of time series
T Oates, L Firoiu, PR Cohen
Sequence learning: Paradigms, algorithms, and applications, 35-52, 2001
Large Datasets Lead to Overly Complex Models: An Explanation and a Solution.
T Oates, DD Jensen
KDD, 294-298, 1998
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Articles 1–20