Fernando Rodrigues da Silva
Fernando Rodrigues da Silva
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BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene
M Dornelas, LH Antão, F Moyes, AE Bates, AE Magurran, et al.
Global Ecology and Bioeography 27, 760-786, 2018
Humidity levels drives reproductive modes and phylogenetic diversity of amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
FR da Silva, M Almeida-Neto, VHM Prado, CFB Haddad, DC Rossa-Feres
Journal of Biogeography 39, 1720-1732, 2012
The influence of riverine barriers, climate, and topography on the biogeographic regionalization of Amazonian anurans
MBC Godinho, FR Da Silva
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 3427, 2018
Biogeographic Distribution Patterns and Their Correlates in the Diverse Frog Fauna of the Atlantic Forest Hotspot
TS Vasconcelos, VHM Prado, FR da SILVA, CFB Haddad
PLOS ONE 9 (8), 1-9, 2014
Dependence of anuran diversity on environmental descriptors in farmland ponds
FR da Silva, CP Candeira, DC Rossa-Feres
Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 1411-1424, 2012
Breeding Habitat and Landscape Correlates of Frog Diversity and Abundance in a Tropical Agricultural Landscape
FR da Silva, JP Gibbs, DC Rossa-Feres
Wetlands 31, 1079-1087, 2011
Uso de fragmentos florestais por anuros (Amphibia) de área aberta na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo
FR da Silva, DC Rossa-Feres
Biota Neotrop 7 (2), 141-148, 2007
Biogeographic Patterns of South American Anurans
TS Vasconcelos, FR da Silva, TG dos Santos, VHM Prado, DB Provete
An experimental assessment of landscape configuration effects on frog and toad abundance and diversity in tropical agro-savannah landscapes of southeastern Brazil
FR da Silva, TAL Oliveira, JP Gibbs, DC Rossa-Feres
Landscape Ecology 27, 87-96, 2012
Amphibian Beta Diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Contrasting the Roles of Historical Events and Contemporary Conditions at Different Spatial Scales
FR da Silva, M Almeida-Neto, MVN Arena
Plos One 9 (10), e109642, 2014
Are you experienced? Predator type and predator experience trade‐offs in relation to tadpole mortality rates
F Nomura, VHM do Prado, FR da Silva, RE Borges, NYN Dias, ...
Journal of Zoology 284, 144-150, 2011
The relationship between pond habitat depth and functional tadpole diversity in an agricultural landscape
CS Queiroz, FR da Silva, DC Rossa-Feres
Royal Society Open Science, 2015
Influence of terrestrial habitat isolation on the diversity and temporal distribution of anurans in an agricultural landscape
FR da Silva, D de Cerqueira Rossa-Feres
Journal of Tropical Ecology 27 (3), 327-331, 2011
Knowledge gaps and bibliographical revision about descriptions of free-swimming anuran larvae from Brazil
DB Provete, MV Garey, FR da Silva, M Xavier
NorthWestern Journal of Zoology 8 (2), 2012
Anurofauna do noroeste paulista: lista de espécies e chave de identificação para adultos Anuranfauna from northwestern region of the State of São Paulo: Species list and …
DB Provete, MV Garey, FR da Silva
Biota neotrop.(Online, Ed. port.) 11 (2), 377-391, 2011
Evaluation of Survey Methods for Sampling Anuran Species Richness in the Neotropics
FR da Silva
South American Journal of Herpetology 5 (3), 212-220, 2010
Biophysical Modeling of Water Economy Can Explain Geographic Gradient of Body Size in Anurans
SF Gouveia, RP Bovo, JG Rubalcaba, FR Da Silva, NM Maciel, ...
The American Naturalist 193 (1), 2018
Differential speciation rates, colonization time and niche conservatism affect community assembly across adjacent biogeographical regions
R Benício, D Provete, M Lyra, J Heino, C Haddad, D Rossa-Feres, ...
Journal of Biogeography, 2021
Estatística aplicada à ecologia usando o R
DB Provete, FR da Silva, TG Souza, 2011
Evaluating multiple spatial scales to understand the distribution of anuran beta diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
LG Melchior, DC Rossa-Feres, FR da SILVA
Ecology and Evolution 7 (7), 2403-2413, 2017
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Articles 1–20