Sam M Doesburg
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Large-scale gamma-band phase synchronization and selective attention
SM Doesburg, AB Roggeveen, K Kitajo, LM Ward
Cerebral cortex 18 (2), 386-396, 2008
Neonatal pain-related stress, functional cortical activity and visual-perceptual abilities in school-age children born at extremely low gestational age
SM Doesburg, CM Chau, TPL Cheung, A Moiseev, U Ribary, AT Herdman, ...
PAIN® 154 (10), 1946-1952, 2013
Rhythms of consciousness: binocular rivalry reveals large-scale oscillatory network dynamics mediating visual perception
SM Doesburg, JJ Green, JJ McDonald, LM Ward
PloS one 4 (7), e6142, 2009
From local inhibition to long-range integration: a functional dissociation of alpha-band synchronization across cortical scales in visuospatial attention
SM Doesburg, JJ Green, JJ McDonald, LM Ward
Brain research 1303, 97-110, 2009
Increased gamma-band synchrony precedes switching of conscious perceptual objects in binocular rivalry
SM Doesburg, K Kitajo, LM Ward
Neuroreport 16 (11), 1139-1142, 2005
Resilience of developing brain networks to interictal epileptiform discharges is associated with cognitive outcome
GM Ibrahim, D Cassel, BR Morgan, ML Smith, H Otsubo, A Ochi, M Taylor, ...
Brain 137 (10), 2690-2702, 2014
Low-frequency connectivity is associated with mild traumatic brain injury
BT Dunkley, L Da Costa, A Bethune, R Jetly, EW Pang, MJ Taylor, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 7, 611-621, 2015
Idiosyncratic organization of cortical networks in autism spectrum disorder
AS Nunes, N Peatfield, V Vakorin, SM Doesburg
Neuroimage 190, 182-190, 2019
Top-down alpha oscillatory network interactions during visuospatial attention orienting
SM Doesburg, N Bedo, LM Ward
Neuroimage 132, 512-519, 2016
Resting-state hippocampal connectivity correlates with symptom severity in post-traumatic stress disorder
BT Dunkley, SM Doesburg, PA Sedge, RJ Grodecki, PN Shek, EW Pang, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 5, 377-384, 2014
Atypical resting synchrony in autism spectrum disorder
AX Ye, RC Leung, CB Schäfer, MJ Taylor, SM Doesburg
Human brain mapping 35 (12), 6049-6066, 2014
Music therapy in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review
AV Marquez-Garcia, J Magnuson, J Morris, G Iarocci, S Doesburg, ...
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 9 (1), 91-107, 2022
Neural synchrony in stochastic resonance, attention, and consciousness.
LM Ward, SM Doesburg, K Kitajo, SE MacLean, AB Roggeveen
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2006
Oscillations, networks, and their development: MEG connectivity changes with age
CB Schäfer, BR Morgan, AX Ye, MJ Taylor, SM Doesburg
Human brain mapping 35 (10), 5249-5261, 2014
Dynamic modulation of epileptic high frequency oscillations by the phase of slower cortical rhythms
GM Ibrahim, SM Wong, RA Anderson, G Singh-Cadieux, T Akiyama, ...
Experimental neurology 251, 30-38, 2014
Reduced theta connectivity during set-shifting in children with autism
SM Doesburg, J Vidal, MJ Taylor
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 785, 2013
Theta modulation of inter-regional gamma synchronization during auditory attention control
SM Doesburg, JJ Green, JJ McDonald, LM Ward
Brain research 1431, 77-85, 2012
Reduced beta connectivity during emotional face processing in adolescents with autism
RC Leung, AX Ye, SM Wong, MJ Taylor, SM Doesburg
Molecular Autism 5, 1-13, 2014
Impaired development of intrinsic connectivity networks in children with medically intractable localization‐related epilepsy
GM Ibrahim, BR Morgan, W Lee, ML Smith, EJ Donner, F Wang, CA Beers, ...
Human brain mapping 35 (11), 5686-5700, 2014
Asynchrony from synchrony: long-range gamma-band neural synchrony accompanies perception of audiovisual speech asynchrony
SM Doesburg, LL Emberson, A Rahi, D Cameron, LM Ward
Experimental Brain Research 185, 11-20, 2008
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Articles 1–20