MX Liu 刘梅先
MX Liu 刘梅先
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Effects of vegetation restoration on soil quality in degraded karst landscapes of southwest China
Y Zhang, X Xu, Z Li, M Liu, C Xu, R Zhang, W Luo
Science of the Total Environment 650, 2657-2665, 2019
Quantifying the impacts of climate and human activities on water and sediment discharge in a karst region of southwest China
Z Li, X Xu, B Yu, C Xu, M Liu, K Wang
Journal of Hydrology 542, 836-849, 2016
Is southwestern China experiencing more frequent precipitation extremes?
M Liu, X Xu, AY Sun, K Wang, W Liu, X Zhang
Environmental Research Letters 9 (6), 064002, 2014
Karst catchments exhibited higher degradation stress from climate change than the non-karst catchments in southwest China: An ecohydrological perspective
M Liu, X Xu, D Wang, AY Sun, K Wang
Journal of Hydrology 535, 173-180, 2016
Effects of irrigation water quality and drip tape arrangement on soil salinity, soil moisture distribution, and cotton yield (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under mulched drip …
M LIU, J Yang, X Li, YU Mei, W Jin
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 11 (3), 502-511, 2012
Distribution and dynamics of soil water and salt under different drip irrigation regimes in northwest China
M Liu, J Yang, X Li, G Liu, M Yu, J Wang
Irrigation Science 31, 675-688, 2013
UAV based soil moisture remote sensing in a karst mountainous catchment
W Luo, X Xu, W Liu, M Liu, Z Li, T Peng, C Xu, Y Zhang, R Zhang
Catena 174, 478-489, 2019
Effects of “Grain for Green” program on soil hydrologic functions in karst landscapes, southwestern China
J Yang, X Xu, M Liu, C Xu, Y Zhang, W Luo, R Zhang, X Li, G Kiely, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 247, 120-129, 2017
A new drought index that considers the joint effects of climate and land surface change
M Liu, X Xu, C Xu, AY Sun, K Wang, BR Scanlon, L Zhang
Water Resources Research 53 (4), 3262-3278, 2017
State-space prediction of spring discharge in a karst catchment in southwest China
Z Li, X Xu, M Liu, X Li, R Zhang, K Wang, C Xu
Journal of Hydrology 549, 264-276, 2017
Decreasing spatial variability in precipitation extremes in southwestern China and the local/large‐scale influencing factors
M Liu, X Xu, A Sun
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120 (13), 6480-6488, 2015
Monthly sediment discharge changes and estimates in a typical karst catchment of southwest China
Z Li, X Xu, C Xu, M Liu, K Wang, R Yi
Journal of Hydrology 555, 95-107, 2017
Annual runoff is highly linked to precipitation extremes in karst catchments of southwest China
Z Li, X Xu, C Xu, M Liu, K Wang, B Yu
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (10), 2745-2759, 2017
刘梅先, 杨劲松, 李晓明, 刘广明, 余美, 王进
农业工程学报, 98-105, 2012
Spatio-temporal changes of soil salinity in arid areas of south Xinjiang using electromagnetic induction
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 11 (8), 1365-1376, 2012
Hysteresis in sap flow and its controlling mechanisms for a deciduous broad-leaved tree species in a humid karst region
R Zhang, X Xu, M Liu, Y Zhang, C Xu, R Yi, W Luo, C Soulsby
Science China Earth Sciences 62, 1744-1755, 2019
Evaluation of high-resolution satellite rainfall products using rain gauge data over complex terrain in southwest China
M Liu, X Xu, AY Sun, K Wang, Y Yue, X Tong, W Liu
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 119, 203-219, 2015
Effects of drip irrigation strategy on cotton root distribution and water use efficiency
M Liu, J Yang, X Li, G Liu, M Yu, J Wang
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 28 (1), 98-105, 2012
Comparing evapotranspiration characteristics and environmental controls for three agroforestry ecosystems in a subtropical humid karst area
R Zhang, X Xu, M Liu, Y Zhang, C Xu, R Yi, W Luo
Journal of hydrology 563, 1042-1050, 2018
Spatial downscaling of TRMM precipitation product using a combined multifractal and regression approach: Demonstration for South China
G Xu, X Xu, M Liu, AY Sun, K Wang
Water 7 (6), 3083-3102, 2015
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