Matthew J Comstock
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Cited by
Reversible photomechanical switching of individual engineered molecules at a metallic surface
MJ Comstock, N Levy, A Kirakosian, J Cho, F Lauterwasser, JH Harvey, ...
Physical review letters 99 (3), 038301, 2007
Ultrahigh-resolution optical trap with single-fluorophore sensitivity
MJ Comstock, T Ha, YR Chemla
Nature methods 8 (4), 335, 2011
Direct observation of structure-function relationship in a nucleic acid–processing enzyme
MJ Comstock, KK Whitley, H Jia, J Sokoloski, TM Lohman, T Ha, ...
Science 348, 352-354, 2015
Molecular commensurability with a surface reconstruction: STM study of azobenzene on Au (111)
A Kirakosian, MJ Comstock, J Cho, MF Crommie
Physical Review B 71 (11), 113409, 2005
Manipulation of azobenzene molecules on Au (111) using scanning tunneling microscopy
MJ Comstock, J Cho, A Kirakosian, MF Crommie
Physical Review B 72 (15), 153414, 2005
Measuring reversible photomechanical switching rates for a molecule at a surface
MJ Comstock, N Levy, J Cho, L Berbil-Bautista, MF Crommie, DA Poulsen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (12), 123107, 2008
Determination of Photoswitching Dynamics through Chiral Mapping of Single Molecules Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope
MJ Comstock, DA Strubbe, L Berbil-Bautista, N Levy, J Cho, D Poulsen, ...
Physical review letters 104 (17), 178301, 2010
High-Resolution “Fleezers”: Dual-Trap Optical Tweezers Combined with Single-Molecule Fluorescence Detection
KD Whitley, MJ Comstock, YR Chemla
Optical Tweezers: Methods and Protocols, 183-256, 2017
Observation of processive telomerase catalysis using high-resolution optical tweezers
EM Patrick, JD Slivka, B Payne, MJ Comstock, JC Schmidt
Nature Chemical Biology, 1-9, 2020
Elasticity of the transition state for oligonucleotide hybridization
KD Whitley, MJ Comstock, YR Chemla
Nucleic acids research 45 (2), 547-555, 2016
Self-patterned molecular photoswitching in nanoscale surface assemblies
N Levy, MJ Comstock, J Cho, L Berbil-Bautista, A Kirakosian, ...
Nano letters 9 (3), 935-939, 2009
Single molecule force spectroscopy at high data acquisition: A Bayesian nonparametric analysis
I Sgouralis, M Whitmore, L Lapidus, MJ Comstock, S Pressé
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (12), 123320, 2018
High-Resolution Optical Tweezers Combined With Single-Molecule Confocal Microscopy
KD Whitley, MJ Comstock, YR Chemla
Methods in enzymology 582, 137-169, 2017
The RNA helicase Mtr4p is a duplex-sensing translocase
EM Patrick, S Srinivasan, E Jankowsky, MJ Comstock
Nature chemical biology 13 (1), 99, 2017
Ultrashort Nucleic Acid Duplexes Exhibit Long Wormlike Chain Behavior with Force-Dependent Edge Effects
KD Whitley, MJ Comstock, YR Chemla
Physical review letters 120 (6), 068102, 2018
Surface anchoring and dynamics of thiolated azobenzene molecules on Au (111)
J Cho, N Levy, A Kirakosian, MJ Comstock, F Lauterwasser, JMJ Fréchet, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 131 (3), 034707, 2009
Combined High-Resolution Optical Tweezers and Multicolor Single-Molecule Fluorescence with an Automated Single-Molecule Assembly Line
CY Chuang, M Zammit, ML Whitmore, MJ Comstock
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 123 (44), 9612-9620, 2019
Combined Force Ramp and Equilibrium High-Resolution Investigations Reveal Multipath Heterogeneous Unfolding of Protein G
D Izadi, Y Chen, ML Whitmore, JD Slivka, K Ching, LJ Lapidus, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122 (49), 11155-11165, 2018
Observation of spatially inhomogeneous electronic structure of Si (100) using scanning tunneling spectroscopy
K Nagaoka, MJ Comstock, A Hammack, MF Crommie
Physical Review B 71 (12), 121304, 2005
A Force Sensor that Converts Fluorescence Signal into Force Measurement Utilizing Short Looped DNA
G Mustafa, CY Chuang, WA Roy, MM Farhath, N Pokhrel, Y Ma, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018
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Articles 1–20