Liuliu Zhang
Liuliu Zhang
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Cited by
Distributed adaptive neural network output tracking of leader-following high-order stochastic nonlinear multiagent systems with unknown dead-zone input
C Hua, L Zhang, X Guan
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 47 (1), 177-185, 2015
Decentralized output feedback adaptive NN tracking control for time-delay stochastic nonlinear systems with prescribed performance
C Hua, L Zhang, X Guan
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (11), 2749-2759, 2015
Distributed adaptive fuzzy containment control of stochastic pure-feedback nonlinear multiagent systems with local quantized controller and tracking constraint
L Zhang, C Hua, H Yu, X Guan
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (4), 787-796, 2017
Distributed output feedback consensus tracking prescribed performance control for a class of non‐linear multi‐agent systems with unknown disturbances
L Zhang, C Hua, X Guan
IET Control Theory & Applications 10 (8), 877-883, 2016
Output feedback control for interconnected time-delay systems with prescribed performance
C Hua, L Zhang, X Guan
Neurocomputing 129, 208-215, 2014
Output feedback tracking control for nonlinear time-delay systems with tracking errors and input constraints
C Hua, G Liu, L Zhang, X Guan
Neurocomputing 173, 751-758, 2016
Practical prescribed time control based on high-order fully actuated system approach for strong interconnected nonlinear systems
L Zhang, L Zhu, C Hua
Nonlinear Dynamics 110 (4), 3535-3545, 2022
Decentralized adaptive output feedback fault detection and control for uncertain nonlinear interconnected systems
L Zhang, C Hua, G Cheng, K Li, X Guan
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (3), 935-945, 2018
Decentralized output feedback controller design for nonlinear interconnected systems with unknown control direction and time‐varying delays
C Hua, L Zhang, X Guan
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 28 (11 …, 2014
Adaptive neural torsional vibration suppression of the rolling mill main drive system subject to state and input constraints with sensor errors
C Qian, C Hua, L Zhang, Z Bai
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (17), 12886-12903, 2020
Robust Control for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems
C Hua, L Zhang, X Guan
Springer, 2018
Adaptive decentralized control for interconnected time-delay uncertain nonlinear systems with different unknown control directions and deferred full-state constraints
L Zhang, L Zhu, C Hua, C Qian
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 34 (12), 10789-10801, 2022
Adaptive control of time‐delay nonlinear HOFA systems with unmodeled dynamics and unknown dead‐zone input
L Zhang, P Wang, C Hua
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 33 (4), 2615-2628, 2023
Stability and stabilization for the coupling permanent magnet synchronous motors system with input delay
C Hua, Y Wang, L Zhang, W Ding
Nonlinear Dynamics 107 (4), 3461-3471, 2022
Adaptive neural network control for a class of interconnected pure-feedback time-delay nonlinear systems with full-state constraints and unknown measurement sensitivities
L Zhang, L Zhu, C Hua, C Qian
Neurocomputing 461, 147-161, 2021
Adaptive fuzzy vertical vibration suppression control of the mechanical-hydraulic coupling rolling mill system with input dead-zone and output constraints
C Qian, L Zhang, C Hua, Z Bai
IEEE Access 8, 85793-85801, 2020
Reduced-order observer-based output feedback control of nonlinear time-delay systems with prescribed performance
C Hua, L Zhang, X Guan
International Journal of Systems Science 47 (6), 1384-1393, 2016
Distributed bipartite containment control of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with time-varying powers
L Zhang, S Liu, C Hua
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 70 (3), 1371-1380, 2022
Decentralised adaptive control of switched interconnected high-order nonlinear systems with unknown control direction and time-delay
L Zhang, C Hua, H Yu, X Guan
International Journal of Control 92 (4), 875-885, 2019
Model-free adaptive iterative sliding mode control for a robotic exoskeleton trajectory tracking system
X Qiu, C Hua, J Chen, L Zhang, X Guan
International Journal of Systems Science 51 (10), 1782-1797, 2020
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Articles 1–20