Rachel E. Smith
Cited by
Cited by
Sensing the presence of gods and spirits across cultures and faiths
S Luhrmann, Weisman, Aulino, Brahinsky, Duiln, Dzokoto, Legare, Lifshitz, Ng ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (5), 2021
Similarities and differences in concepts of mental life among adults and children in five cultures
K Weisman, CH Legare, R Smith, VA Dzokoto, F Aulino, E Ng, JC Dulin, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 2021, 2021
" The Goal of the Good House": Seasonal Work and Seeking a Good Life in Lamen and Lamen Bay, Epi, Vanuatu
RE Smith
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2016
Be our guest/worker: reciprocal dependency and expressions of hospitality in Ni‐Vanuatu overseas labour migration
RE Smith
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25 (2), 349-367, 2019
From colonial intrusions to ‘intimate exclusions’: Contesting legal title and ‘chiefly title’to land in Epi, Vanuatu
RE Smith
Kastom, Property and ideology: Land transformations in Melanesia, 327-55, 2017
Changing standards of living: the paradoxes of building a good life in rural Vanuatu
RE Smith
The quest for the good life in precarious times: informal, ethnographic …, 2018
Declarations of ‘Self-Reliance’: Alternative Visions of Dependency, Citizenship and Development in Vanuatu
R Smith
Oceania 91 (2), 236–256, 2021
Empowered Imagination and Mental Vulnerability: Local Theory of Mind and Spiritual Experience in Vanuatu
RE Smith
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 26 (S1), 114-130, 2020
The “hidden abodes” of temporary migration programs
R Smith …, 2015
The Meaning of “Free” Work: Service as a Gift, and Labor as a Commodity for Ni-Vanuatu Labor Migrants
RE Smith
WORK, SOCIETY, AND THE ETHICAL SELF Chimeras of Freedom in the Neoliberal Era, 2021
Compulsion to Work?: Malinowski and the Labour Question
R Smith
One Hundred Years of Argonauts: Malinowski, Ethnography and Economic …, 2024
Reply to Terhune and Jamieson: The nature of absorption
TM Luhrmann, K Weisman, F Aulino, JD Brahinsky, JC Dulin, VA Dzokoto, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (32), e2109120118, 2021
The Quest for the Good Life in Precarious Times
RE Smith
BOOK REVIEWS: Engaging with Capitalism: Cases from Oceania
RE Smith
The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 16 (1), 84-86, 2015
J Folz, RE Smith
The Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 2024
Concepts of mental life among adults and children in five cultures
K Weisman, CH Legare, R Smith, VA Dzokoto, F Aulino, E Ng, JC Dulin, ...
Nature Research, 2021
Similarities and differences in concepts of mental life among adults and children in five cultures. Nature Human Behaviour, 5 (10), 1358-1368
K Weisman, CH Legare, RE Smith, VA Dzokoto, F Aulino, E Ng, JC Dulin, ...
BOOK REVIEW: PACIFIC FUTURES: Projects, Politics and Interests. Pacific Perspectives, v. 2. Edited by Will Rollason.
RE Smith
Pacific Affairs 89 (2), 498-500, 2016
The domestic moral economy 1990-2015
K Sykes, C Gregory, F Magowan, R Maggio, R Smith, J Altman
UK Data Archive, 0
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Articles 1–19