N. Samba Kumar
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Cited by
Tigers and their prey: predicting carnivore densities from prey abundance
KU Karanth, JD Nichols, NS Kumar, WA Link, JE Hines
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (14), 4854-4858, 2004
Assessing tiger population dynamics using photographic capture–recapture sampling
KU Karanth, JD Nichols, NS Kumar, JE Hines
Ecology 87 (11), 2925-2937, 2006
Bayesian inference in camera trapping studies for a class of spatial capture–recapture models
JA Royle, KU Karanth, AM Gopalaswamy, NS Kumar
Ecology 90 (11), 3233-3244, 2009
Monitoring carnivore populations at the landscape scale: occupancy modelling of tigers from sign surveys
KU Karanth, AM Gopalaswamy, NS Kumar, S Vaidyanathan, JD Nichols, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (4), 1048-1056, 2011
Tigers on trails: occupancy modeling for cluster sampling
JE Hines, JD Nichols, JA Royle, DI MacKenzie, AM Gopalaswamy, ...
Ecological Applications 20 (5), 1456-1466, 2010
Diet and prey profiles of three sympatric large carnivores in Bandipur Tiger Reserve, India
AP Andheria, KU Karanth, NS Kumar
Journal of Zoology 273 (2), 169-175, 2007
Estimation of tiger densities in the tropical dry forests of Panna, Central India, using photographic capture–recapture sampling
KU Karanth, RS Chundawat, JD Nichols, NS Kumar
Animal Conservation 7 (3), 285-290, 2004
Prioritisation of conservation areas in the Western Ghats, India
A Das, J Krishnaswamy, KS Bawa, MC Kiran, V Srinivas, NS Kumar, ...
Biological conservation 133 (1), 16-31, 2006
Spatio-temporal interactions facilitate large carnivore sympatry across a resource gradient
KU Karanth, A Srivathsa, D Vasudev, M Puri, R Parameshwaran, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1848), 20161860, 2017
Evaluation of non-invasive genetic sampling methods for estimating tiger population size
S Mondol, KU Karanth, NS Kumar, AM Gopalaswamy, A Andheria, ...
Biological Conservation 142 (10), 2350-2360, 2009
A tiger cannot change its stripes: using a three-dimensional model to match images of living tigers and tiger skins
L Hiby, P Lovell, N Patil, NS Kumar, AM Gopalaswamy, KU Karanth
Biology letters 5 (3), 383-386, 2009
Program SPACECAP: software for estimating animal density using spatially explicit capture–recapture models
AM Gopalaswamy, JA Royle, JE Hines, P Singh, D Jathanna, NS Kumar, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (6), 1067-1072, 2012
A new approach to improve the discharging capacity of sharp-crested triangular plan form weirs
S Kumar, Z Ahmad, T Mansoor
Flow measurement and instrumentation 22 (3), 175-180, 2011
Dynamics of a low‐density tiger population in Southeast Asia in the context of improved law enforcement
S Duangchantrasiri, M Umponjan, S Simcharoen, A Pattanavibool, ...
Conservation Biology 30 (3), 639-648, 2016
A three-dimensional kinematic dynamo
S Kumar, PH Roberts
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1975
Application of homotopy analysis method for fractional Swift Hohenberg equation–revisited
K Vishal, S Kumar, S Das
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (8), 3630-3637, 2012
How many tigers Panthera tigris are there in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand? An estimate using photographic capture-recapture sampling
S Simcharoen, A Pattanavibool, KU Karanth, JD Nichols, NS Kumar
Oryx 41 (4), 447-453, 2007
Spotted in the news: using media reports to examine leopard distribution, depredation, and management practices outside protected areas in Southern India
V Athreya, A Srivathsa, M Puri, KK Karanth, NS Kumar, KU Karanth
PLoS One 10 (11), e0142647, 2015
Rusa unicolor
RJ Timmins, K Kawanishi, B Giman, A Lynam, B Chan, R Steinmetz, ...
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2015-2, 2015
Eco-efficient masonry bricks and blocks: Design, properties and durability
F Pacheco-Torgal, PB Lourenc̦o, J Labrincha, P Chindaprasirt, S Kumar
Woodhead Publishing, 2014
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Articles 1–20