Xuemin Tu
Xuemin Tu
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Cited by
Implicit sampling for particle filters
AJ Chorin, X Tu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (41), 17249-17254, 2009
Composing scalable nonlinear algebraic solvers
PR Brune, MG Knepley, BF Smith, X Tu
siam REVIEW 57 (4), 535-565, 2015
Implicit particle filters for data assimilation
A Chorin, M Morzfeld, X Tu
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 5 (2), 221-240, 2010
A random map implementation of implicit filters
M Morzfeld, X Tu, E Atkins, AJ Chorin
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (4), 2049-2066, 2012
Three-level BDDC in three dimensions
X Tu
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 29 (4), 1759-1780, 2007
Three‐level BDDC in two dimensions
X Tu
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 69 (1), 33-59, 2007
Poisson–Nernst–Planck systems for ion flow with density functional theory for hard-sphere potential: I–V relations and critical potentials. Part II: Numerics
W Liu, X Tu, M Zhang
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 24, 985-1004, 2012
A BDDC algorithm for a mixed formulation of flow in porous media
X Tu
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 20, 164-179, 2005
Limitations of polynomial chaos expansions in the Bayesian solution of inverse problems
F Lu, M Morzfeld, X Tu, AJ Chorin
Journal of Computational Physics 282, 138-147, 2015
A domain decomposition discretization of parabolic problems
M Dryja, X Tu
Numerische Mathematik 107 (4), 625-640, 2007
Multilevel balancing domain decomposition by constraints deluxe algorithms with adaptive coarse spaces for flow in porous media
S Zampini, X Tu
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (4), A1389-A1415, 2017
Semantic clustering based deduction learning for image recognition and classification
W Ma, X Tu, B Luo, G Wang
Pattern Recognition 124, 108440, 2022
A balancing domain decomposition method by constraints for advection-diffusion problems
X Tu, J Li
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 3 (1), 25-60, 2008
Parameter estimation by implicit sampling
M Morzfeld, X Tu, J Wilkening, A Chorin
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 10 (2), 205-225, 2015
A BDDC algorithm for flow in porous media with a hybrid finite element discretization
X Tu
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal 26, 146-160, 2007
A nonoverlapping domain decomposition method for incompressible Stokes equations with continuous pressures
J Li, X Tu
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (2), 1235-1253, 2013
Data-assimilated computational fluid dynamics modeling of convection-diffusion-reaction problems
X Gao, Y Wang, N Overton, M Zupanski, X Tu
Journal of computational science 21, 38-59, 2017
Convergence analysis of a balancing domain decomposition method for solving a class of indefinite linear systems
J Li, X Tu
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 16 (9), 745-773, 2009
A three-level BDDC algorithm for mortar discretizations
HH Kim, X Tu
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 (2), 1576-1600, 2009
A FETI-DP type domain decomposition algorithm for three-dimensional incompressible Stokes equations
X Tu, J Li
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 53 (2), 720-742, 2015
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Articles 1–20