Li, Jianghong (李江虹)
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The role of nutrition in children's neurocognitive development, from pregnancy through childhood
A Nyaradi, J Li, S Hickling, J Foster, WH Oddy
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 97, 2013
The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey: The social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people
S Zubrick, SR Silburn, D Lawrence, FG Mitrou, RB Dalby, E Blair, J Griffin, ...
Curtin University of Technology & Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, 2005
The long-term effects of breastfeeding on child and adolescent mental health: a pregnancy cohort study followed for 14 years
WH Oddy, GE Kendall, J Li, P Jacoby, M Robinson, NH De Klerk, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 156 (4), 568-574, 2010
A systematic review of factors influencing fertility desires and intentions among people living with HIV/AIDS: implications for policy and service delivery
B Nattabi, J Li, SC Thompson, CG Orach, J Earnest
AIDS and Behavior 13, 949-968, 2009
Parents’ nonstandard work schedules and child well-being: A critical review of the literature
J Li, SE Johnson, WJ Han, S Andrews, G Kendall, L Strazdins, A Dockery
The journal of primary prevention 35, 53-73, 2014
Pre‐and postnatal influences on preschool mental health: a large‐scale cohort study
M Robinson, WH Oddy, J Li, GE Kendall, NH De Klerk, SR Silburn, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 49 (10), 1118-1128, 2008
The association of maternal overweight and obesity with breastfeeding duration
WH Oddy, J Li, L Landsborough, GE Kendall, S Henderson, J Downie
The Journal of pediatrics 149 (2), 185-191, 2006
Gender inequality, family planning, and maternal and child care in a rural Chinese county
J Li
Social Science & Medicine 59 (4), 695-708, 2004
Prospective associations between dietary patterns and cognitive performance during adolescence
A Nyaradi, JK Foster, S Hickling, J Li, GL Ambrosini, A Jacques, WH Oddy
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 55 (9), 1017-1024, 2014
Maternal psychosocial well‐being in pregnancy and breastfeeding duration
J Li, GE Kendall, S Henderson, J Downie, L Landsborough, WH Oddy
Acta Paediatrica 97 (2), 221-225, 2008
Prenatal stress and risk of behavioral morbidity from age 2 to 14 years: The influence of the number, type, and timing of stressful life events
M Robinson, E Mattes, WH Oddy, CE Pennell, A Van Eekelen, NJ McLean, ...
Development and psychopathology 23 (2), 507-520, 2011
Village context, women's status, and son preference among rural Chinese women
J Li, W Lavely
Rural sociology 68 (1), 87-106, 2003
Breastfeeding duration and academic achievement at 10 years
WH Oddy, J Li, AJO Whitehouse, SR Zubrick, E Malacova
Pediatrics 127 (1), e137-e145, 2011
Significant nonsurgical risk factors for endophthalmitis after cataract surgery: EPSWA fourth report
J Li, N Morlet, JQ Ng, JB Semmens, MW Knuiman
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 45 (5), 1321-1328, 2004
The impact of racial discrimination on the health of Australian Indigenous children aged 5–10 years: Analysis of national longitudinal data
CCJ Shepherd, J Li, MN Cooper, KD Hopkins, BM Farrant
International Journal for Equity in Health 16, 1-12, 2017
Breastfeeding and early child development: a prospective cohort study
WH Oddy, M Robinson, GE Kendall, J Li, SR Zubrick, FJ Stanley
Acta Paediatrica 100 (7), 992-999, 2011
Drug abuse, HIV/AIDS and stigmatisation in a Dai community in Yunnan, China
R Deng, J Li, L Sringernyuang, K Zhang
Social science & medicine 64 (8), 1560-1571, 2007
Social gradients in the health of Indigenous Australians
CCJ Shepherd, J Li, SR Zubrick
American journal of public health 102 (1), 107-117, 2012
Poverty and child behavioral problems: the mediating role of parenting and parental well-being
T Kaiser, J Li, M Pollmann-Schult, AY Song
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (9), 981, 2017
Female empowerment as a core driver of democratic development: A dynamic panel model from 1980 to 2005
P Wyndow, J Li, E Mattes
World Development 52, 34-54, 2013
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Articles 1–20