Rasmus Olsen
Rasmus Olsen
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A generic context management framework for personal networking environments
L Sanchez, J Lanza, R Olsen, M Bauer, M Girod-Genet
2006 Third Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …, 2006
Probabilistic models for access strategies to dynamic information elements
M Bøgsted, RL Olsen, HP Schwefel
Performance Evaluation 67 (1), 43-60, 2010
On the trade-off between timeliness and accuracy for low voltage distribution system grid monitoring utilizing smart meter data
M Kemal, R Sanchez, R Olsen, F Iov, HP Schwefel
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 121, 106090, 2020
Observability of low voltage grids: Actual DSOs challenges and research questions
R Sanchez, F Iov, M Kemal, M Stefan, R Olsen
2017 52nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2017
Bandwidth analysis of smart meter network infrastructure
K Balachandran, RL Olsen, JM Pedersen
16th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 928-933, 2014
On the use of common information model for smart grid applications—a conceptual approach
K Shahid, K Nainar, RL Olsen, F Iov, M Lyhne, G Morgante
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (6), 5060-5072, 2021
Visualization techniques for electrical grid smart metering data: A survey
M Stefan, JG Lopez, MH Andreasen, RL Olsen
2017 IEEE third international conference on big data computing service and …, 2017
Qrp01-5: Quantitative analysis of access strategies to remote information in network services
RL Olsen, HP Schwefel, MB Hansen
IEEE Globecom 2006, 1-6, 2006
Heterogeneous services and architectures for next-generation wireless networks
S Frattasi, RL Olsen, M De Sanctis, FHP Fitzek, R Prasad
2005 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 213-217, 2005
Context management framework for MAGNET Beyond
M Bauer, RL Olsen, M Jacobsen, L Sanchez, M Imine, N Prasad
Workshop on" Capturing Context and Context Aware Systems and Platforms …, 2006
Safety analysis of stochastic dynamical systems
C Sloth, R Wisniewski
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (27), 62-67, 2015
Distributed flexibility management targeting energy cost and total power limitations in electricity distribution grids
S Bessler, MS Kemal, N Silva, R Olsen, F Iov, D Drenjanac, HP Schwefel
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 14, 35-46, 2018
Adaptive caching strategies for context management systems
HP Schwefel, MB Hansen, RL Olsen
2007 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2007
Information access for event-driven smart grid controllers
T le Fevre Kristensen, RL Olsen, JG Rasmussen, HP Schwefel
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 13, 78-92, 2018
Smart grid control and communication: The SmartC2net Real-Time HIL approach
CI Ciontea, R Pedersen, TLF Kristensen, CE Sloth, RL Olsen, F Iov
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-6, 2015
Network aware dynamic context subscription management
A Shawky, R Olsen, J Pedersen, H Schwefel
Computer Networks 58, 239-253, 2014
On the impact of information delay on location-based relaying: A markov modeling approach
JJ Nielsen, RL Olsen, TK Madsen, HP Schwefel
2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 3045-3050, 2012
On the impact of cyberattacks on voltage control coordination by ReGen plants in smart grids
K Shahid, E Kidmose, RL Olsen, L Petersen, F Iov
2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications …, 2017
Using smart meter measurements to manage accuracy of current calculations in lv feeders
HP Schwefel, JG Rasmussen, RL Olsen, H Ringgaard, N Silva
2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing …, 2019
A real-time open access platform towards proof of concept for smart grid applications
MS Kemal, L Petersen, F Iov, RL Olsen
Journal of Communication, Navigation, Sensing and Services 2017 (1), 49-74, 2018
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Articles 1–20