Edgar Costa
Cited by
Cited by
Rigorous computation of the endomorphism ring of a Jacobian
E Costa, N Mascot, J Sijsling, J Voight
Mathematics of Computation 88 (317), 1303-1339, 2019
A search for Wilson primes
E Costa, R Gerbicz, D Harvey
Mathematics of Computation 83 (290), 3071-3091, 2014
Computing classical modular forms
AJ Best, J Bober, AR Booker, E Costa, JE Cremona, M Derickx, M Lee, ...
Arithmetic geometry, number theory, and computation, 131-213, 2021
Faster deterministic integer factorization
E Costa, D Harvey
Mathematics of Computation 83 (285), 339-345, 2014
Zeta functions of nondegenerate hypersurfaces in toric varieties via controlled reduction in p-adic cohomology
E Costa, D Harvey, K Kedlaya
The Open Book Series 2 (1), 221-238, 2019
Variation of Néron–Severi ranks of reductions of K3 surfaces
E Costa, Y Tschinkel
Experimental Mathematics 23 (4), 475-481, 2014
Traces, high powers and one level density for families of curves over finite fields
A Bucur, E Costa, C David, J Guerreiro, D Lowry–Duda
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 165 (2), 225-248, 2018
Effective computations of Hasse–Weil zeta functions
E Costa
New York University, 2015
Computing zeta functions of cyclic covers in large characteristic
V Arul, AJ Best, E Costa, R Magner, N Triantafillou
The Open Book Series 2 (1), 37-53, 2019
Identifying central endomorphisms of an abelian variety via Frobenius endomorphisms
E Costa, D Lombardo, J Voight
Research in Number Theory 7 (3), 46, 2021
Arithmetic invariants from Sato–Tate moments
E Costa, F Fité, AV Sutherland
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 357 (11-12), 823-826, 2019
Computing isogeny classes of typical principally polarized abelian surfaces over the rationals
R van Bommel, S Chidambaram, E Costa, J Kieffer
LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Contemp. Math 796, 187-214, 2023
Abelian varieties of prescribed order over finite fields
R van Bommel, E Costa, W Li, B Poonen, A Smith
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.13651, 2021
On the distribution of the Picard ranks of the reductions of a K3 surface
E Costa, AS Elsenhans, J Jahnel
Research in Number Theory 6 (3), 27, 2020
Effective obstruction to lifting Tate classes from positive characteristic
E Costa, EC Sertöz
Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation, 293-333, 2021
A generic L-function calculator for motivic L-functions
E Costa, D Platt
Hypergeometric L-functions in average polynomial time
E Costa, KS Kedlaya, D Roe
Open Book Series 4 (1), 143-159, 2020
Effective computations of Hasse–Weil zeta functions. ProQuest LLC
E Costa
Ann Arbor, MI, 78, 2015
Restrictions on Weil polynomials of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves
E Costa, R Donepudi, R Fernando, V Karemaker, C Springer, M West
Arithmetic geometry, number theory, and computation, 259-276, 2021
Asymptotic expansions, L-values and a new quantum modular form
E Costa, K Debaene, J Guerreiro
The Ramanujan Journal 35 (1), 141-148, 2014
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Articles 1–20