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Cited by
Stereotype content model across cultures: Towards universal similarities and some differences
AJC Cuddy, ST Fiske, VSY Kwan, P Glick, S Demoulin, JP Leyens, ...
British Journal of Social Psychology 48 (1), 1-33, 2009
Organizational identification versus organizational commitment: self‐definition, social exchange, and job attitudes
D Van Knippenberg, ED Sleebos
Journal of Organizational Behavior 27 (5), 571-584, 2006
License to fail? How leader group prototypicality moderates the effects of leader performance on perceptions of leadership effectiveness
SR Giessner, D Van Knippenberg, E Sleebos
The Leadership Quarterly 20 (3), 434-451, 2009
When the dark ones gain power: Perceived position power strengthens the effect of supervisor Machiavellianism on abusive supervision in work teams
B Wisse, E Sleebos
Personality and Individual Differences 99, 122-126, 2016
Feeling included and valued: How perceived respect affects positive team identity and willingness to invest in the team
N Ellemers, E Sleebos, D Stam, D de Gilder
British Journal of Management 24 (1), 21-37, 2013
Team-oriented leadership: the interactive effects of leader group prototypicality, accountability, and team identification.
SR Giessner, D Van Knippenberg, W Van Ginkel, E Sleebos
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (4), 658, 2013
Similarity in friendship networks: Selection or influence? The effect of constraining contexts and non-visible individual attributes
M De Klepper, E Sleebos, G Van de Bunt, F Agneessens
Social Networks 32 (1), 82-90, 2010
The carrot and the stick: Affective commitment and acceptance anxiety as motives for discretionary group efforts by respected and disrespected group members
E Sleebos, N Ellemers, D de Gilder
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32 (2), 244-255, 2006
When change causes stress: Effects of self-construal and change consequences
B Wisse, E Sleebos
Journal of business and psychology 31, 249-264, 2016
Beyond social exchange: Collectivism’s moderating role in the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behaviour
D Van Knippenberg, JW Van Prooijen, E Sleebos
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 24 (1), 152-160, 2015
The paradox of the disrespected: Disrespected group members’ engagement in group-serving efforts
E Sleebos, N Ellemers, D de Gilder
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42 (4), 413-427, 2006
“Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it”: the combined effects of leader fear of losing power and competitive climate on leader self-serving behavior
B Wisse, D Rus, AC Keller, E Sleebos
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 28 (6), 742-755, 2019
A motivated information processing perspective on the antecedents of empowering leadership
D Van Knippenberg, SR Giessner, E Sleebos, WP van Ginkel
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 51 (2), 79-89, 2021
Getting a grip on the grapevine: Extension and factor structure of the motives to gossip questionnaire
TD Dores Cruz, D Balliet, E Sleebos, B Beersma, GA Van Kleef, ...
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1190, 2019
Sociometric status and peer control attempts: A multiple status hierarchies approach
MC de Klepper, G Labianca, E Sleebos, F Agneessens
Journal of Management Studies 54 (1), 1-31, 2017
Attachment anxiety, intra‐group (dis) respect, actual efforts, and group donation
A Erez, E Sleebos, M Mikulincer, MH Van Ijzendoorn, N Ellemers, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 39 (5), 734-746, 2009
Explaining the motivational forces of (dis)Respect: How self-focused and group-focused concerns can result in the display of group-serving efforts
E Sleebos, N Ellemers, D de Gilder
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2007
Giving second chances: the impact of personal attitudes of bankers on their willingness to provide credit to renascent entrepreneurs
I Wakkee, E Sleebos
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 11, 719-742, 2015
Similarity in friendship networks: Selection or influence? The effect of constraining contexts and non-visible individual attributes.
MD Klepper, E Sleebos, G Bunt, F Agneessens
Social Networks 32, 82-90, 2010
How to neutralize primary psychopathic leaders’ damaging impact: Rules, sanctions, and transparency
LM Laurijssen, B Wisse, S Sanders, E Sleebos
Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2), 365-383, 2024
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Articles 1–20