Gennady Alekseev
Gennady Alekseev
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Cited by
Cloaking via impedance boundary condition for the 2-D Helmholtz equation
GV Alekseev
Applicable Analysis 93 (2), 254-268, 2014
Particle swarm optimization-based algorithms for solving inverse problems of designing thermal cloaking and shielding devices
GV Alekseev, DA Tereshko
International journal of heat and mass transfer 135, 1269-1277, 2019
Optimization in stationary problems of heat and mass transfer and magnetic hydrodynamics
GV Alekseev
Science World, 142, 2010
Solvability of stationary boundary control problems for heat convection equations
GV Alekseev
Siberian Mathematical Journal 39 (5), 844-858, 1998
Theoretical analysis of inverse extremal problems of admixture diffusion in viscous fluids
GV Alekseev, EA Adomavichus
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 9 (5), 435-468, 2001
On solvability of inverse extremal problems for stationary equations of viscous heat conducting fluid
GV Alekseev, DA Tereshko
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 6 (6), 521-562, 1998
Identification problems for a steady-state model of mass transfer
GV Alekseev, OV Soboleva, DA Tereshko
Journal of applied mechanics and technical physics 49, 537-547, 2008
Solvability of inverse extremal problems for stationary heat and mass transfer equations
GV Alekseev
Siberian Mathematical Journal 42 (5), 811-827, 2001
Solvability of the boundary-value problems for the Boussinesq equations with inhomogeneous boundary conditions
GV Alekseev, AB Smishliaev
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 3, 18-39, 2001
Coefficient inverse extremum problems for stationary heat and mass transfer equations
GV Alekseev
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 47, 1007-1028, 2007
Solvability of control problems for stationary equations of magnetohydrodynamics of a viscous fluid
GV Alekseev
Siberian Mathematical Journal 45 (2), 197-213, 2004
Optimization analysis of the thermal cloaking problem for a cylindrical body
GV Alekseev, VA Levin, DA Tereshko
Doklady Physics 62, 71-75, 2017
Control of boundary impedance in two-dimensional material-body cloaking by the wave flow method
GV Alekseev
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 53, 1853-1869, 2013
Stability estimates in identification problems for the convection-diffusion-reaction equation
GV Alekseev, IS Vakhitov, OV Soboleva
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 52, 1635-1649, 2012
Inverse extremal problems for stationary equations in mass transfer theory
GV Alekseev
Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki 42 (3), 380-394, 2002
Study of thermal conditions on wall of a pipe during removal of heat by water at a supercritical pressure
GV Alekseev, VA Silin, AM Smirnov, VI Subbotin
Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur 14 (4), 769-774, 1976
Stability estimates of solutions to extremal problems for a nonlinear convection-diffusion-reaction equation
GV Alekseev, RV Brizitskii, ZY Saritskaya
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics 10, 155-167, 2016
Optimization method of searching parameters of an inhomogeneous liquid medium in the acoustic cloaking problem.
G Alekseev, V Levin
Doklady Physics 59 (2), 2014
Optimization in problems of material-body cloaking using the wave-flow method.
G Alekseev
Doklady Physics 58 (4), 2013
Two-parameter extremum problems of boundary control for stationary thermal convection equations
GV Alekseev, DA Tereshko
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 51, 1539-1557, 2011
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Articles 1–20