G T Lumpkin
G T Lumpkin
Visiting Senior Research Professor, University of Tennessee
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Clarifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and linking it to performance
GT Lumpkin, GG Dess
Academy of management Review 21 (1), 135-172, 1996
Linking two dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: The moderating role of environment and industry life cycle
GT Lumpkin, GG Dess
Journal of business venturing 16 (5), 429-451, 2001
Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance: An assessment of past research and suggestions for the future
A Rauch, J Wiklund, GT Lumpkin, M Frese
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 33 (3), 761-787, 2009
The relationship of personality to entrepreneurial intentions and performance: A meta-analytic review
H Zhao, SE Seibert, GT Lumpkin
Journal of management 36 (2), 381-404, 2010
Entrepreneurial strategy making and firm performance: Tests of contingency and configurational models
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin, JG Covin
Strategic management journal 18 (9), 677-695, 1997
The role of entrepreneurial orientation in stimulating effective corporate entrepreneurship
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin
Academy of Management Perspectives 19 (1), 147-156, 2005
Research in social entrepreneurship: Past contributions and future opportunities
JC Short, TW Moss, GT Lumpkin
Strategic entrepreneurship journal 3 (2), 161-194, 2009
Entrepreneurial orientation theory and research: Reflections on a needed construct
JG Covin, GT Lumpkin
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (5), 855-872, 2011
Strategic management: Text and cases
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin, AB Eisner, G McNamara
McGraw-Hill, 2014
Innovation as newness: what is new, how new, and new to whom?
JA Johannessen, B Olsen, GT Lumpkin
European Journal of innovation management 4 (1), 20-31, 2001
Enhancing entrepreneurial orientation research: Operationalizing and measuring a key strategic decision making process
DW Lyon, GT Lumpkin, GG Dess
Journal of management 26 (5), 1055-1085, 2000
Strategic management: Text and cases
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin, AB Eisner
Irwin Professional Publishing, 2006
Understanding and measuring autonomy: An entrepreneurial orientation perspective
GT Lumpkin, CC Cogliser, DR Schneider
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 33 (1), 47-69, 2009
The role of organizational learning in the opportunity–recognition process
GT Lumpkin, BB Lichtenstein
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 29 (4), 451-472, 2005
Long-term orientation: Implications for the entrepreneurial orientation and performance of family businesses
GT Lumpkin, KH Brigham, TW Moss
Entrepreneurship & regional development 22 (3-4), 241-264, 2010
Technology entrepreneurs’ human capital and its effects on innovation radicalness
MR Marvel, GT Lumpkin
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 31 (6), 807-828, 2007
Opportunity recognition: Perceptions and behaviors of entrepreneurs
GE Hills, GT Lumpkin, RP Singh
Frontiers of entrepreneurship research 17 (4), 168-182, 1997
Linking corporate entrepreneurship to strategy, structure, and process: Suggested research directions
GG Dess, GT Lumpkin, JE McGee
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 23 (3), 85-102, 1999
Entrepreneurial processes in social contexts: how are they different, if at all?
GT Lumpkin, TW Moss, DM Gras, S Kato, AS Amezcua
Small Business Economics 40, 761-783, 2013
Long–term orientation and intertemporal choice in family firms
GT Lumpkin, KH Brigham
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (6), 1149-1169, 2011
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Articles 1–20