Jeremias Adams-Prassl
Jeremias Adams-Prassl
Professor of Law, Madgalen College, University of Oxford
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Cited by
Humans as a service: The promise and perils of work in the gig economy
J Prassl
Oxford University Press, 2018
Uber, taskrabbit, and co.: Platforms as employers-rethinking the legal analysis of crowdwork
J Prassl, M Risak
Comp. Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 37, 619, 2015
The Concept of the Employer
J Prassl
Oxford University Press, 2015
What if your boss was an algorithm? Economic incentives, legal challenges, and the rise of artificial intelligence at work
J Adams-Prassl
Comp. Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 41, 123, 2019
The contract of employment
M Freedland, A Bogg, D Cabrelli, H Collins, N Countouris, ACL Davies, ...
Oxford University Press, 2016
Zero-hours contracts in the United Kingdom: regulating casualwork, or legitimating precarity?
M Freedland, J Prassl, A Adams
Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali: 148, 4, 2015, 529-553, 2015
Rethinking legal taxonomies for the gig economy
A Adams, J Freedman, J Prassl
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 34 (3), 475-494, 2018
Freedom of contract as a general principle of EU Law? Transfers of undertakings and the protection of employer rights in EU Labour Law: Case C-426/11 Alemo-Herron and others v …
J Prassl
Industrial Law Journal 42 (4), 434-446, 2013
Zero-hours work in the United Kingdom
A Adams, J Adams-Prassl
ILO Working Papers, 2018
Viking, Laval and beyond
MR Freedland, J Adams-Prassl
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015
Directly discriminatory algorithms
J Adams‐Prassl, R Binns, A Kelly‐Lyth
The Modern Law Review 86 (1), 144-175, 2023
Uber, taskrabbit, and co.: platforms as employers? Rethinking the analysis of crowdwork.
J Prassl, M Risak
Comparative labor law and policy journal 37 (3), 604-619, 2016
The legal protection of crowdworkers: four avenues for workers’ rights in the virtual realm
J Prassl, M Risak
Policy implications of virtual work, 273-295, 2017
Labour Law
N Countouris
ILO, 2016
Big Data in the workplace: Privacy Due Diligence as a human rights-based approach to employee privacy protection
I Ebert, I Wildhaber, J Adams-Prassl
Big Data & Society 8 (1), 20539517211013051, 2021
Collective voice in the platform economy: challenges, opportunities, solutions
J Prassl
Report to the ETUC, 2018
What if your boss was an algorithm? Economic Incentives, Legal Challenges, and the Rise of Artificial Intelligence at Work
J Prassl
Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 41 (1), 2019
The autonomy of labour law
A Bogg, C Costello, ACL Davies, J Adams-Prassl
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015
Employees, workers, and the'sharing economy': Changing practices and changing concepts in the United Kingdom
MR Freedland, J Adams-Prassl
Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper, 2017
Regulating algorithms at work: Lessons for a ‘European approach to artificial intelligence’
J Adams-Prassl
European Labour Law Journal 13 (1), 30-50, 2022
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Articles 1–20