Tommy Haugan
Tommy Haugan
Førsteamanuensis ved Nord universitet
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Sperm DNA damage is related to field fertility of semen from young Norwegian Red bulls
KE Waterhouse, T Haugan, E Kommisrud, A Tverdal, G Flatberg, ...
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 18 (7), 781-788, 2006
Effects of in vitro storage time and semen-extender on membrane quality of boar sperm assessed by flow cytometry
KE Waterhouse, PM De Angelis, T Haugan, H Paulenz, PO Hofmo, ...
Theriogenology 62 (9), 1638-1651, 2004
Effects of sperm concentration at semen collection and storage period of frozen semen on dairy cow conception
T Haugan, YT Gröhn, E Kommisrud, E Ropstad, O Reksen
Animal Reproduction Science 97 (1-2), 1-11, 2007
Seasonal effects of semen collection and artificial insemination on dairy cow conception
T Haugan, O Reksen, YT Gröhn, E Kommisrud, E Ropstad, E Sehested
Animal reproduction science 90 (1-2), 57-71, 2005
The relationship between song performance and male quality in snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis)
E Hofstad, Y Espmark, A Moksnes, T Haugan, M Ingebrigtsen
Canadian Journal of Zoology 80 (3), 524-531, 2002
A retrospective study on effects of storage time of liquid boar semen on reproductive performance in Norwegian swine
T Haugan, O Reksen, YT Gröhn, AH Gaustad, PO Hofmo
Theriogenology 64 (4), 891-901, 2005
Effect of ambient temperature on food provisioning and reproductive success in snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis in the high arctic
KS Hoset, Y Espmark, A Moksnes, T Haugan, M Ingebrigtsen, M Lier
Ardea 92 (2), 239-246, 2004
A randomized trial on the clinical performance of Nova T® 380 and Gyne T® 380 Slimline copper IUDs
T Haugan, FE Skjeldestad, LE Halvorsen, H Kahn
Contraception 75 (3), 171-176, 2007
Fertility Results of Artificial Inseminations Performed with Liquid Boar Semen Stored in X‐CellTM vs BTS Extender
T Haugan, AH Gaustad, O Reksen, YT Gröhn, PO Hofmo
Reproduction in domestic animals 42 (1), 94-99, 2007
Sociodemographic correlates and mental health comorbidities in adolescents with social anxiety: the young-HUNT3 study, Norway
I Jystad, O Bjerkeset, T Haugan, ER Sund, J Vaag
Frontiers in psychology 12, 663161, 2021
School functioning and educational aspirations in adolescents with social anxiety—The young-HUNT3 study, Norway
I Jystad, T Haugan, O Bjerkeset, ER Sund, J Vaag
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 727529, 2021
The effects of male mating behaviour and food provisioning on breeding success in snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis in the high Arctic
KS Hoset, Y Espmark, M Lier, T Haugan, MI Wedege, A Moksnes
Polar Biology 32, 1649-1656, 2009
Non-completion of secondary education and early disability in Norway: geographic patterns, individual and community risks
A Myhr, T Haugan, M Lillefjell, T Halvorsen
BMC public health 18, 1-15, 2018
Disability pensions among young adults in vocational rehabilitation
A Myhr, T Haugan, GA Espnes, M Lillefjell
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 26, 95-102, 2016
Residential mobility, family structure, and completion of upper secondary education–a registry-based cohort study of the norwegian adolescent population
T Haugan, A Myhr
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2311, 2019
Psychological distress in late adolescence: The role of inequalities in family affluence and municipal socioeconomic characteristics in Norway
T Haugan, S Muggleton, A Myhr
PloS one 16 (7), e0254033, 2021
Social anxiety in modern societies from an evolutionary perspective
T Haugan
Discover Psychology 3 (1), 12, 2023
Utvikling i diagnostisering og helsetjenesteforbruk ved obstruktiv lungesykdom
T Haugan, IJ Bakken, O Storrø, T Øien, A Langhammer
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 2008
Utilization of diagnostic tools and health care services for obstructive lung disease
T Haugan, IJ Bakken, O Storrø, T Øien, A Langhammer
Tidsskrift for den Norske laegeforening: tidsskrift for praktisk medicin, ny …, 2008
Endres prevensjonsvaner og abortrate hos kvinner 20-24 år ved tilbud om gratis hormonell prevensjon?
A Øren, L Leistad, T Haugan
SINTEF Rapport, 2010
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Articles 1–20