jean-claude burgelman
jean-claude burgelman
professor open science vub
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Cited by
Cited by
Scenarios for ambient intelligence in 2010
K Ducatel, Union européenne. Technologies de la société de l'information, ...
Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2001
Open science, open data, and open scholarship: European policies to make science fit for the twenty-first century
JC Burgelman, C Pascu, K Szkuta, R Von Schomberg, A Karalopoulos, ...
Frontiers in big data 2, 43, 2019
Communication, citizenship, and social policy: Rethinking the limits of the welfare state
A Calabrese, JC Burgelman
Rowman & Littlefield, 1999
A Prospective View of e‑Government in the European Union
C Centeno, R van Bavel, JC Burgelman
Electronic Journal of e-Government 3 (2), pp83‑90-pp83‑90, 2005
Audiovisual policy and cultural identity in small European states: The challenge of a unified market
JC Burgelman, C Pauwels
Media, Culture & Society 14 (2), 169-183, 1992
The potential disruptive impact of Internet2 based technologies
C Pascu, D Osimo, M Ulbrich, G Turlea, JC Burgelman
First Monday, 2007
Internet governance in transition: Who is the master of this domain?
DJ Paré
Rowman & Littlefield, 2003
Information society policy in the developing world: a critical assessment
L Van Audenhove, JC Burgelman, G Nulens, B Cammaerts
Third world quarterly 20 (2), 387-404, 1999
Science 2.0 (change will happen….)
JC Burgelman, D Osimo, M Bogdanowicz
First Monday, 2010
Ambient intelligence: From vision to reality
K Ducatel, M Bogdanowicz, F Scapolo, J Leijten, JC Burgelman
IST Advisory Group Draft Report, European Commission, 11, 2003
eGovernment in the EU in the next decade: the vision and key challenges
C Centeno, R Van Bavel, JC Burgelman
European Commission Joint Research Centre, 2004
Issues and assumptions in communications policy and research in Western Europe: A critical analysis
JC Burgelman
International media research, 140-172, 2004
A Reality Check 2003
J Servaes
Intellect, 2003
Public Service Broadcasting: The Challenges of the Twenty-first Century. Reports and Papers on Mass Communication No. 111.
D Atkinson, M Raboy
Promotion and Sales Division, UNESCO Publishing, UNESCO, 7, place de …, 1997
Social computing: implications for the EU innovation landscape
C Pascu, D Osimo, G Turlea, M Ulbrich, Y Punie, JC Burgelman
Foresight 10 (1), 37-52, 2008
Regulating access in the information society: The need for rethinking public and universal service
JC Burgelman
New Media & Society 2 (1), 51-66, 2000
The Future of Public Service Broadcasting: A Case Study for aNew'Communications Policy
JC Burgelman
European Journal of Communication 1 (2), 173-201, 1986
How will ICTs affect our environment in 2020?
C Rodríguez Casal, C Van Wunnik, L Delgado Sancho, ...
foresight 7 (1), 77-87, 2005
E-merging media: Kommunikation und Medienwirtschaft der Zukunft
A Zerdick, K Schrape, JC Burgelmann, R Silverstone, V Feldmann, ...
Springer-Verlag, 2013
E-merging media: communication and the media economy of the future
A Zerdick, A Picot, K Schrape, JC Burgelman, R Silverstone, V Feldmann, ...
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005
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Articles 1–20