Yunus Akaltun
Yunus Akaltun
Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi
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The relationship between refractive index-energy gap and the film thickness effect on the characteristic parameters of CdSe thin films
Y Akaltun, MA Yıldırım, A Ateş, M Yıldırım
Optics Communications 284 (9), 2307-2311, 2011
Fabrication and characterization of NiO thin films prepared by SILAR method
Y Akaltun, T Çayır
Journal of Alloys and compounds 625, 144-148, 2015
Effect of thickness on the structural and optical properties of CuO thin films grown by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction
Y Akaltun
Thin Solid Films 594, 30-34, 2015
Characteristics of SnO2 thin films prepared by SILAR
MA Yıldırım, Y Akaltun, A Ateş
Solid State Sciences 14 (9), 1282-1288, 2012
Gallium oxide films deposition by RF magnetron sputtering; a detailed analysis on the effects of deposition pressure and sputtering power and annealing
S Mobtakeri, Y Akaltun, A Özer, M Kılıç, EŞ Tüzemen, E Gür
Ceramics International 47 (2), 1721-1727, 2021
The effect of wettability on corrosion resistance of oxide films produced by SILAR method on magnesium, aluminum and copper substrates
Y Akaltun, M Aslan, T Yetim, T Çayır, A Çelik
Surface and Coatings Technology 292, 121-131, 2016
Conversion of SILAR deposited Cu3Se2 thin films to Cu2− xSe by annealing
A Astam, Y Akaltun, M Yıldırım
Materials Letters 166, 9-11, 2016
Magnetron sputtered WS2; optical and structural analysis
Y Koçak, Y Akaltun, E Gür
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 707 (1), 012028, 2016
Zinc concentration effect on structural, optical and electrical properties of Cd1− xZnxSe thin films
Y Akaltun, MA Yıldırım, A Ateş, M Yıldırım
Materials Research Bulletin 47 (11), 3390-3396, 2012
Investigation of the usage possibility of CuO and CuS thin films produced by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) as solid lubricant
H Kovacı, Y Akaltun, AF Yetim, Y Uzun, A Çelik
Surface and Coatings Technology 344, 522-527, 2018
Effective mass calculation for InSe, InSe: Er crystals
A Ates, M Kundakci, Y Akaltun, B Gurbulak, M Yildirim
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 36 (2), 217-220, 2007
CdSe, ZnSe ve CdxZn1-xSe Yarıiletken İnce Filmlerinin Sılar Tekniği ile Büyütülmesi Yapısal, Optik ve Elektriksel Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
Y Akaltun
Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. 102s, 2006
Effect of thickness on electrical properties of SILAR deposited SnS thin films
Y Akaltun, A Astam, A Cerhan, T Çayir
AIP Conference Proceedings 1722 (1), 2016
An investigation on SILAR deposited Cu_xS thin films
A Astam, Y Akaltun, M YILDIRIM
Turkish Journal of Physics 38 (2), 245-252, 2014
Investigation of the Environmental Effects of Light Pollution which External Lighting Systems Caused
M Şahin, Y Akaltun, Y Oğuz
Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology 10 (2), 278-286, 2017
316L Yüzeyine SILAR Metoduyla Hidroksiapatit Kaplanması
T Çayır, Y Akaltun, Ö Gündoğdu
Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 28 (1), 1-5, 2016
Ahıska Türkü Kökenli Vatandaşlarımızın Kimlik Algısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Şavşat Örneği
F Orhan, Y Akaltun, M Şahin
Growth, Optical and Electirical Properties of In2S3, In1−xCdxS and CdS Thin Films by the (SILAR) Method
M Kundakci, Y Akaltun, A Astam, A Ateş, M Yildirim, B Gürbulak
AIP Conference Proceedings 899 (1), 618-618, 2007
Fabrication and Characterization of NiSe2 Films Prepared by SILAR Method
Y Akaltun
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 18 (9), 1414-1418, 2023
Geçmişten günümüze Ahıska Türklerinin bilim ve bürokrasi alanında yetiştirdiği önemli şahsiyetler
M Şahin, Y Akaltun, F Orhan
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Articles 1–20