Nagwa El-Makky
Nagwa El-Makky
Professor of Computer Science, Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering
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Cited by
Sentiment analysis of Arabic tweets using deep learning
M Heikal, M Torki, N El-Makky
Procedia Computer Science 142, 114-122, 2018
Imbalanced toxic comments classification using data augmentation and deep learning
M Ibrahim, M Torki, N El-Makky
2018 17th IEEE international conference on machine learning and applications …, 2018
Al-Bayan: an Arabic question answering system for the Holy Quran
H Abdelnasser, M Ragab, R Mohamed, A Mohamed, B Farouk, ...
Proceedings of the EMNLP 2014 Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing …, 2014
Multi-level gene/MiRNA feature selection using deep belief nets and active learning
R Ibrahim, NA Yousri, MA Ismail, NM El-Makky
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
A note on" beyond market baskets: generalizing association rules to correlations"
KM Ahmed, NM El-Makky, Y Taha
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 1 (2), 46-48, 2000
Author identification using deep learning
AM Mohsen, NM El-Makky, N Ghanem
2016 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2016
Software bug prediction using weighted majority voting techniques
S Moustafa, MY ElNainay, N El Makky, MS Abougabal
Alexandria engineering journal 57 (4), 2763-2774, 2018
Sentiment analysis of colloquial Arabic tweets
N El-Makky, K Nagi, A El-Ebshihy, E Apady, O Hafez, S Mostafa, ...
ASE BigData/SocialInformatics/PASSAT/BioMedCom 2014 Conference, Harvard …, 2014
AlexU-BackTranslation-TL at SemEval-2020 task 12: Improving offensive language detection using data augmentation and transfer learning
M Ibrahim, M Torki, NM El-Makky
Proceedings of the fourteenth workshop on semantic evaluation, 1881-1890, 2020
Algorithms for selecting materialized views in a data warehouse
NAR Yousri, KM Ahmed, NM El-Makky
The 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference onComputer Systems and …, 2005
Integrated analysis of SNP, CNV and gene expression data in genetic association studies
R Momtaz, NM Ghanem, NM El‐Makky, MA Ismail
Clinical genetics 93 (3), 557-566, 2018
miRNA and gene expression based cancer classification using self-learning and co-training approaches
R Ibrahim, NA Yousri, MA Ismail, NM El-Makky
Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2013 IEEE International Conference on …, 2013
Incremental mining of constrained association rules
A Ayad, N El-Makky, Y Taha
Proceedings of the 2001 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 1-18, 2001
Al-Bayan: A knowledge-based system for Arabic answer selection
R Mohamed, M Ragab, H Abdelnasser, NM El-Makky, M Torki
Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on semantic evaluation …, 2015
Effective data mining: a data warehouse-backboned architecture
KM Ahmed, NM El-Makky, Y Taha
Proceedings of the 1998 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on …, 1998
A text classifier using weighted average word embedding
AA Elsaadawy, M Torki, N Ei-Makky
2018 International Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications …, 2018
AlQuAnS-An Arabic Language Question Answering System.
M Nabil, A Abdelmegied, Y Ayman, A Fathy, G Khairy, M Yousri, ...
KDIR, 144-154, 2017
Discovering clusters with arbitrary shapes and densities in data streams
A Magdy, NA Yousri, NM El-Makky
2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and …, 2011
Mining the Future: Predicting Itemsets' Support of Association Rules Mining
S Guirguis, KM Ahmed, NM El Makky, AM Hafez
Sixth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining-Workshops (ICDMW'06), 474-478, 2006
ArabRelat: Arabic Relation Extraction using Distant Supervision.
R Mohamed, NM El-Makky, K Nagi
KEOD, 410-417, 2015
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Articles 1–20