Behnam Dezfouli
Behnam Dezfouli
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, Santa Clara University, USA
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Cited by
Multipath routing in wireless sensor networks: survey and research challenges
M Radi, B Dezfouli, KA Bakar, M Lee
sensors 12 (1), 650-685, 2012
Software-defined Radios: Architecture, State-of-the-art, and Challenges
R Akeela, B Dezfouli
Computer Communications 28, 106-125, 2018
Low-power wireless for the internet of things: Standards and applications
A Nikoukar, S Raza, A Poole, M Güneş, B Dezfouli
IEEE Access 6, 67893-67926, 2018
Interference-aware multipath routing protocol for QoS improvement in event-driven wireless sensor networks
M Radi, B Dezfouli, KA Bakar, SA Razak, MA Nematbakhsh
Tsinghua Science & Technology, Elsevier 16 (5), 475-490, 2011
LIEMRO: a Low-Interference energy-efficient multipath routing protocol for improving QoS in event-based wireless sensor networks
M Radi, B Dezfouli, S Abd Razak, KA Bakar
2010 Fourth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2010
Implementation and Analysis of QUIC for MQTT
P Kumar, B Dezfouli
Computer Networks 150, 28-45, 2019
EMPIOT: An Energy Measurement Platform for Wireless IoT Devices
B Dezfouli, I Amirtharaj, CC Li
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 121, Pages 135-148, 2018
A quantitative study of DDoS and E-DDoS attacks on WiFi smart home devices
B Tushir, Y Dalal, B Dezfouli, Y Liu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (8), 6282-6292, 2020
A Review of Software-Defined WLANs: Architectures and Central Control Mechanisms
B Dezfouli, V Esmaeelzadeh, J Sheth, M Radi
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (COMST), 2018
Modeling Low-Power Wireless Communications
B Dezfouli, M Radi, SA Razak, T Hwee-Pink, KA Bakar
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier 51, 102-126, 2015
Enhancing the Energy-Efficiency and Timeliness of IoT Communication in WiFi Networks
J Sheth, B Dezfouli
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019
Enhancing the Energy-Efficiency and Timeliness of IoT Communication in WiFi Networks
BD Jaykumar Sheth
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 0
Empirical analysis and modeling of Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) advertisement channels
A Nikoukar, M Abboud, B Samadi, M Güneş, B Dezfouli
17th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net), 2018
Image Classification on IoT Edge Devices: Profiling and Modeling
SA Magid, F Petrini, B Dezfouli
Cluster Computing, 2019
Analyzing the Resource Utilization of AES Encryption on IoT Devices
PS Munoz, N Tran, B Craig, B Dezfouli, Y Liu
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and …, 2018
Securing Smart Homes via Software-Defined Networking and Low-Cost Traffic Classification
H Gordon, C Batula, B Tushir, B Dezfouli, Y Liu
IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2021
REWIMO: A Real-Time and Reliable Low-Power Wireless Mobile Network
B Dezfouli, M Radi, O Chipara
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 2017
IM2PR: interference-minimized multipath routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
M Radi, B Dezfouli, KA Bakar, SA Razak, T Hwee-Pink
Wireless Networks, Springer 20 (7), 1807-1823, 2014
CAMA: Efficient Modeling of the Capture Effect for Low-Power Wireless Networks
B Dezfouli, M Radi, K Whitehouse, SA Razak, HP Tan
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 11 (1), 20, 2014
The fog development kit: A platform for the development and management of fog systems
C Powell, C Desiniotis, B Dezfouli
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (4), 3198-3213, 2020
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Articles 1–20