Jesús Fernández Ruiz
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Cited by
Vibrations inside buildings due to subway railway traffic. Experimental validation of a comprehensive prediction model
P Lopes, JF Ruiz, PA Costa, LM Rodríguez, AS Cardoso
Science of the Total Environment 568, 1333-1343, 2016
Study of ground vibrations induced by railway traffic in a 3D FEM model formulated in the time domain: experimental validation
J Fernández Ruiz, P Alves Costa, R Calçada, LE Medina Rodríguez, ...
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 13 (5), 652-664, 2017
The effect of tunnel construction on future underground railway vibrations
JF Ruiz, PJ Soares, PA Costa, DP Connolly
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 125, 105756, 2019
Critical length of encased stone columns
M Miranda, J Fernández-Ruiz, J Castro
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 49 (5), 1312-1323, 2021
Improvement of the critical speed in high-speed ballasted railway tracks with stone columns: A numerical study on critical length
J Fernández-Ruiz, M Miranda, J Castro, LM Rodríguez
Transportation Geotechnics 30, 100628, 2021
Combination of experimental measurements and numerical modelling for prediction of ground-borne vibrations induced by railway traffic
A Colaço, A Castanheira-Pinto, PA Costa, JF Ruiz
Construction and Building Materials 343, 127928, 2022
Influence of non-linear soil properties on railway critical speed
J Fernández-Ruiz, A Castanheira-Pinto, PA Costa, DP Connolly
Construction and Building Materials 335, 127485, 2022
Simplified approach for ground reinforcement design to enhance critical speed
A Castanheira-Pinto, A Colaço, JF Ruiz, PA Costa, L Godinho
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 153, 107078, 2022
Application of an advanced soil constitutive model to the study of railway vibrations in tunnels through 2D numerical models: a real case in Madrid (Spain)
JF Ruiz, LM Rodríguez
Revista de la Construcción. Journal of Construction 14 (3), 53-61, 2015
Benchmarking of two three-dimensional numerical models in time/space domain to predict railway-induced ground vibrations
J Fernández-Ruiz, LE Medina Rodríguez, P Alves Costa, M Martínez-Díaz
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 20, 245-256, 2021
Use of tyre-derived aggregate as backfill material for wave barriers to mitigate railway-induced ground vibrations
J Fernández-Ruiz, LEM Rodríguez, PA Costa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (24), 9191, 2020
Estudio numérico de vibraciones provocadas por el tráfico ferroviario en túneles en el dominio del tiempo: análisis geotécnico, validación experimental y propuesta de soluciones
J Fernández Ruiz
A simplified approach for predicting the non-linear critical speed of railway tracks
A Castanheira-Pinto, J Fernández-Ruiz, A Colaço, PA Costa, ...
Transportation Geotechnics 37, 100865, 2022
Numerical simulation of the stiffness evolution with curing of pavement sections rehabilitated using cold in-place recycling technology
P Orosa, L Medina, J Fernández-Ruiz, I Pérez, AR Pasandín
Construction and Building Materials 335, 127487, 2022
Predicting Critical Speed of Railway Tracks Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
A Ramos, A Castanheira-Pinto, A Colaço, J Fernández-Ruiz, ...
Vibration 6 (4), 895-916, 2023
Predicting the non-linear critical speed for high-speed railways in singular geotechnical scenarios
A Castanheira-Pinto, J Fernández-Ruiz, PA Costa
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 165, 107722, 2023
A combined approach to cliff characterization: Cliff Stability index
RJ Bergillos, C Rodriguez-Delgado, L Medina, J Fernandez-Ruiz, ...
Marine Geology 444, 106706, 2022
Concrete wave barriers to mitigate ground vibrations induced by railway traffic: a three-dimensional numerical study
J Fernández-Ruiz, LM Rodríguez
Revista de la construcción 19 (3), 395-406, 2020
Prediction of ground-borne vibration induced by impact pile driving: Numerical approach and experimental validation
A Colaço, PA Costa, C Ferreira, C Parente, J Fernandez-Ruiz
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 22 (4), 921-935, 2023
Social media: a distraction or an educational tool?
M Martínez-Díaz, J Fernández Ruiz
Adaya Press, 2021
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Articles 1–20