Rhiannon Martel
Rhiannon Martel
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Cited by
He awa whiria—A “Braided River”: An Indigenous Māori Approach to Mixed Methods Research
R Martel, M Shepherd, F Goodyear-Smith
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 16 (1), 17-33, 2022
Screening for risky behaviour and mental health in young people: the YouthCHAT programme
F Goodyear-Smith, R Martel, M Darragh, J Warren, H Thabrew, TC Clark
Public health reviews 38, 1-12, 2017
‘By the way…. how’s your sex life?’–A descriptive study reporting primary health care registered nurses engagement with youth about sexual health
R Martel, R Crawford, H Riden
Journal of primary health care 9 (1), 22-28, 2017
Reaching out to reduce health inequities for Māori youth
R Martel, H Reihana‐Tait, A Lawrence, M Shepherd, T Wihongi, ...
International nursing review 67 (2), 275-281, 2020
YouthCHAT as a primary care E-Screening tool for mental health issues among te tai Tokerau youth: protocol for a Co-Design study
RM Martel, ML Darragh, AJ Lawrence, MJ Shepherd, T Wihongi, ...
JMIR research protocols 8 (1), e12108, 2019
Implementing the routine use of electronic mental health screening for youth in primary care: Systematic review
R Martel, M Shepherd, F Goodyear-Smith
JMIR Mental Health 8 (11), e30479, 2021
Implementing YouthCHAT–evaluation and development of an implementation framework
F Goodyear-Smith, M Darragh, R Martel
Implementation Research and Practice 2, 26334895211048511, 2021
Implementing YouthCHAT–Evaluation and Development of An Implementation Framework
R Martel, M Darragh, F Goodyear-Smith
An Evaluation of Primary Care E-screening for Mental Health Among Te Tai Tokerau Youth
R Martel
University of Auckland, 2021
Māori Health
R Martel
Tender la mano para reducir las desigualdades en materia de salud de los jóvenes maoríes
R Martel, HR Tait, A Lawrence, M Shepherd, T Wihongi, FG Smith
International nursing review en español: revista oficial del Consejo …, 2020
Registered nurse engagement with youth about sexual health in primary healthcare
R Martel
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Articles 1–12