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Cited by
Effect of supplementary cementitious materials on the compressive strength and durability of short-term cured concrete
H Toutanji, N Delatte, S Aggoun, R Duval, A Danson
Cement and concrete research 34 (2), 311-319, 2004
Effect of some admixtures on the setting time and strength evolution of cement pastes at early ages
S Aggoun, M Cheikh-Zouaoui, N Chikh, R Duval
Construction and Building Materials 22 (2), 106-110, 2008
Combined effect of chemical nature and fineness of mineral powders on Portland cement hydration
EH Kadri, S Aggoun, G De Schutter, K Ezziane
Materials and structures 43, 665-673, 2010
Rheology of fly ash-based geopolymer: Effect of NaOH concentration
Y Rifaai, A Yahia, A Mostafa, S Aggoun, EH Kadri
Construction and Building Materials 223, 583-594, 2019
Effect of mineral filler type on autogenous shrinkage of self-compacting concrete
B Craeye, G De Schutter, B Desmet, J Vantomme, G Heirman, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 40 (6), 908-913, 2010
Cement substitution by a recycled cement paste fine: Role of the residual anhydrous clinker
A Bordy, A Younsi, S Aggoun, B Fiorio
Construction and Building Materials 132, 1-8, 2017
Effect of lubrication layer on velocity profile of concrete in a pumping pipe
HD Le, EH Kadri, S Aggoun, J Vierendeels, P Troch, G De Schutter
Materials and Structures 48, 3991-4003, 2015
Influence of various parameters on strength and absorption properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete designed by Taguchi method
A Mehta, R Siddique, BP Singh, S Aggoun, G Łagód, D Barnat-Hunek
Construction and Building Materials 150, 817-824, 2017
Effect of cement and admixture on the utilization of recycled aggregates in concrete
TT Ngo, A Bouvet, F Debieb, S Aggoun
Construction and Building Materials 149, 91-102, 2017
Mechanical and thermophysical properties of raw earth bricks incorporating date palm waste
D Khoudja, B Taallah, O Izemmouren, S Aggoun, O Herihiri, A Guettala
Construction and Building Materials 270, 121824, 2021
Silica Fume Effect on Hydration Heat and Compressive Strength of High-Performance Concrete.
EH Kadri, R Duval, S Aggoun, S Kenal
ACI Materials Journal 106 (2), 2009
Effects of calcium nitrate and triisopropanolamine on the setting and strength evolution of Portland cement pastes
N Chikh, M Cheikh-Zouaoui, S Aggoun, R Duval
Materials and Structures 41, 31-36, 2008
Paste and mortar studies on the influence of mix design parameters on autogenous shrinkage of self-compacting concrete
A Alrifai, S Aggoun, A Kadri, S Kenai, E Kadri
Construction and Building Materials 47, 969-976, 2013
Effect of magnesium sulfate on the durability of limestone mortars based on quaternary blended cements
Z Makhloufi, S Aggoun, B Benabed, EH Kadri, M Bederina
Cement and Concrete Composites 65, 186-199, 2016
Interaction between C3A, silica fume and naphthalene sulphonate superplasticiser in high performance concrete
EH Kadri, S Aggoun, G De Schutter
Construction and Building Materials 23 (10), 3124-3128, 2009
Optimisation of magnesium oxychloride cement properties by silica glass
A Brichni, H Hammi, S Aggoun, A Mnif
Advances in Cement Research 28 (10), 654-663, 2016
Effect of vegetable and synthetic fibers on mechanical performance and durability of Metakaolin-based mortars
AA Belkadi, S Aggoun, C Amouri, A Geuttala, H Houari
Journal of adhesion science and Technology 32 (15), 1670-1686, 2018
The Compressive Strength of High‐Performance Concrete and Ultrahigh‐Performance
EH Kadri, S Aggoun, S Kenai, A Kaci
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2012 (1), 361857, 2012
Sodium sulfate and alternative combined sulfate/chloride action on ordinary and self-consolidating PLC-based concretes
T Chiker, S Aggoun, H Houari, R Siddique
Construction and Building Materials 106, 342-348, 2016
Correlation between the porosity and ultrasonic pulse velocity of recycled aggregate concrete at different saturation levels
K Haddad, O Haddad, S Aggoun, S Kaci
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 44 (11), 911-917, 2017
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Articles 1–20