Rahmat Madjid
Rahmat Madjid
Profesor Ilmu Manajemen, Universitas Halu Oleo
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Cited by
The effects of mobile marketing, discount, and lifestyle on consumers’ impulse buying behavior in online marketplace
N Ittaqullah, R Madjid, NR Suleman
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 9 (3), 1569-1577, 2020
Customer trust as relationship mediation between customer satisfaction and loyalty at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Southeast Sulawesi
R Madjid
The international journal of engineering and science 2 (5), 48-60, 2013
The influence store atmosphere towards customer emotions and purchase decisions
R Madjid
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 3 (10), 11-19, 2014
Impact of Service Recovery, Customer Satisfaction, and Corporate Image on Customer Loyalty
Z Sudirman, A Palilati, M Rahmad
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (1), 2021
Customer income role as moderation variable of satisfaction effect on customer loyalty in Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk
A Razak, A Palilati, I Hajar, R Madjid
Southeast Sulawesi. The International Journal Of Engineering And Science …, 2016
The effect of supply chain integration on customer loyalty: The mediating roles of operational performance and customer satisfaction
S Zaid, A Palilati, R Madjid, S Abadi
Uncertain supply chain management 9 (4), 867-876, 2021
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Digital Marketing Performance: A Case Study of Small Enterprises in Kendari City, Indonesia
H Abdul, M Rahmad, S Endro, Y Yusuf
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 9 (3), 2022
The role of customer trust and commitment as mediator for the relation between customer satisfaction and loyalty at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kendari Southeast Sulawesi
R Madjid, D Hadiwidjojo, S Surachman, D Djumahir
International journal of business and management invention 2 (4), 53-64, 2013
SURACHMAN; DJUMAHIR (2013). The Role of Customer Trust and Commitment as Mediator for the Relation between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI …
R Madjid, D Hadiwidjojo
International Journal of Business and Management Invention 2 (4), 54-55, 2013
Pengaruh Kualitas Produkdan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen pada UD. Mette Mubaraq Lombe Kota Kendari
T Juniartin, R Madjid, J Juharsah
Journal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan 12 (02), 109, 2020
Perilaku Konsumen (Edisi Revisi)
R Madjid
Deepublish, 2024
Pengaruh Remunerasi, Lingkungan Kerja Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai
M Syawal, H Bua, R Madjid
Jurnal Manajemen, Bisnis dan Organisasi 3 (1), 77-88, 2019
Explaining Customer Satisfaction with Experience, Customer Trust and Commitment in Syariah Banks Kendari City
R Madjid
he International Journal Of Engineering And Science 4 (4), 51-59, 2015
ZALUDIN (2018) Work environment and organizational learning towards employee performance: the mediating role of organizational commitment
L Hatani, MH Bulang, R Madjid, M Kamaluddin, N ROMMY, ASA HUDANI, ...
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13 (4), 258-274, 0
The Role Of E-Satisfaction In Mediating The Effect Of E?Servqual And E-Trust On E-Loyalty On BRI M-Banking Application Users
S Nursaban Rommy, M Rahmat, P Patwati
American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research 6 (7), 205, 2022
Peningkatan kesejahteraan petani melalui strategi penguatan kelembagaan ekonomi di Kabupaten Konawe Utara
A Putera, R Madjid, H Mustamin
Jasep 1 (2), 58-70, 2015
The Role of Customer Trust and Commitment as Mediator for the Relations between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Kendari Southeast Sulawesi
M Rahmat, H Djumilah, S Surachman, D Djumahir
International Journal of Business and Management Invention 2 (4), 2013
Rahmat Madjid, and Nursaban Rommy Suleman. 2020. The Effects Of Mobile Marketing, Discount, and Lifestyle On Consumers’ Impulse Buying Behavior In Online Marketplace
N Ittaqullah
International Journal Of Scientific & technology Research 9, 1569-1577, 0
Implementation of organizational commitment and leadership Behavior on performance in education personnel staff; the role of Organizational citizenship behavior mediation
S Fauziah, R Majid, A Kadir, A Putera
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review 8 (5), 01-21, 2023
The role of organizational commitment in mediating the effect of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior and performance
SM Arsan, R Madjid, AH Awasinombu, W Hamid, I Hajar, NR Suleman
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 16 (3), 860-872, 2022
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Articles 1–20