Shirley Mark
Shirley Mark
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Cited by
What is a cognitive map? Organizing knowledge for flexible behavior
TEJ Behrens, TH Muller, JCR Whittington, S Mark, AB Baram, ...
Neuron 100 (2), 490-509, 2018
The Tolman-Eichenbaum machine: unifying space and relational memory through generalization in the hippocampal formation
JCR Whittington, TH Muller, S Mark, G Chen, C Barry, N Burgess, ...
Cell 183 (5), 1249-1263. e23, 2020
Physical model of the dynamic instability in an expanding cell culture
S Mark, R Shlomovitz, NS Gov, M Poujade, E Grasland-Mongrain, ...
Biophysical journal 98 (3), 361-370, 2010
Generalisation of structural knowledge in the hippocampal-entorhinal system
J Whittington, T Muller, S Mark, C Barry, T Behrens
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
On parallel and antiparallel topology of a homodimeric multidrug transporter
M Soskine, S Mark, N Tayer, R Mizrachi, S Schuldiner
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (47), 36205-36212, 2006
Transferring structural knowledge across cognitive maps in humans and models
S Mark, R Moran, T Parr, SW Kennerley, TEJ Behrens
Nature communications 11 (1), 4783, 2020
Effect of valproate derivatives on human brain myo-inositol-1-phosphate (MIP) synthase activity and amphetamine-induced rearing
S Galit, M Shirley, K Ora, RH Belmaker, A Galila
Pharmacological Reports 59 (4), 402, 2007
Generative replay underlies compositional inference in the hippocampal-prefrontal circuit
P Schwartenbeck, A Baram, Y Liu, S Mark, T Muller, R Dolan, M Botvinick, ...
Cell 186 (22), 4885-4897. e14, 2023
Theta‐paced flickering between place‐cell maps in the hippocampus: A model based on short‐term synaptic plasticity
S Mark, S Romani, K Jezek, M Tsodyks
Hippocampus 27 (9), 959-970, 2017
Population spikes in cortical networks during different functional states
S Mark, M Tsodyks
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 6, 43, 2012
Generative replay for compositional visual understanding in the prefrontal-hippocampal circuit
P Schwartenbeck, A Baram, Y Liu, S Mark, T Muller, R Dolan, M Botvinick, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.06. 06.447249, 2021
Human MIP synthase splice variants in bipolar disorder
A Shamir, G Shaltiel, S Mark, Y Bersudsky, RH Belmaker, G Agam
Bipolar disorders 9 (7), 766-771, 2007
Flexible neural representations of abstract structural knowledge in the human Entorhinal Cortex
S Mark, P Schwartenbeck, A Hahamy, V Samborska, AB Baram, ...
Elife 13, 2024
Flexible neural representations of abstract structural knowledge in the human Entorhinal Cortex
S Mark, P Schwartenbeck, A Hahamy, V Samborska, AB Baram, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.08. 31.555760, 2023
Efficacy Of A Digital Hypertension Self-management And Lifestyle Coaching Program In Reducing Blood Pressure Across Sex, Language And Racial Groups
J Roberts, B Roach, T Gazit, S Mark, S Aggarwal
Abstract P302: Efficacy Of A Digital Hypertension Self-management And Lifestyle Coaching Program In Reducing Blood Pressure Across Sex, Language And Racial Groups
J Roberts, B Roach, T Gazit, S Mark, S Aggarwal
Hypertension 79 (Suppl_1), AP302-AP302, 2022
Compositional Neural Representations in the Hippocampal Formation and Prefrontal Cortex Underlie Visual Construction and Planning
P Schwartenbeck, A Baram, S Mark, Z Kurth-Nelson, R Dolan, T Behrens
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN 2019), 550-553, 2019
What is a cognitive map
TEJ Behrens, TH Muller, JCR Whittington, S Mark, AB Baram, ...
Organising knowledge for flexible behaviour. BioRxiv 365593, 2018
Rich Dynamics in Neural Networks with Short Term Synaptic Plasticity
S Mark
PQDT-Global, 2014
Erratum:" Effects of valproate derivatives on human brain myo-inositol-1-phosphate (MIP) synthase activity and amphetamine-induced rearing"(Pharmacological Reports (2007) vol …
S Galit, M Shirley, K Ora, RH Belmaker, A Galila
Pharmacological Reports 60 (2), 292, 2008
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Articles 1–20