Joeri Wesseling
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Cited by
Mission-oriented innovation systems
MP Hekkert, MJ Janssen, JH Wesseling, SO Negro
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 34, 76-79, 2020
A framework for mission-oriented innovation policy: Alternative pathways through the problem–solution space
I Wanzenböck, JH Wesseling, K Frenken, MP Hekkert, KM Weber
Science and Public Policy, 2020
The transition of energy intensive processing industries towards deep decarbonization: Characteristics and implications for future research
JH Wesseling, S Lechtenböhmer, M Åhman, LJ Nilsson, E Worrell, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79, 1303-1313, 2017
The promises and premises of mission-oriented innovation policy—A reflection and ways forward
MJ Janssen, J Torrens, JH Wesseling, I Wanzenböck
Science and public policy 48 (3), 438-444, 2021
Business strategies of incumbents in the market for electric vehicles: Opportunities and incentives for sustainable innovation
JH Wesseling, EMMI Niesten, J Faber, MP Hekkert
Business Strategy and the Environment 24 (6), 518-531, 2015
Lock-in of mature innovation systems: the transformation toward clean concrete in the Netherlands
JH Wesseling, A Van der Vooren
Journal of cleaner production 155, 114-124, 2017
Exploring car manufacturers’ responses to technology-forcing regulation: The case of California’s ZEV mandate
JH Wesseling, JCM Farla, MP Hekkert
Environ. Innov. Soc. Transitions 16, 87-105, 2015
How competitive forces sustain electric vehicle development
JH Wesseling, J Faber, MP Hekkert
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 81, 154-164, 2014
Car manufacturers’ changing political strategies on the ZEV mandate
JH Wesseling, JCM Farla, D Sperling, MP Hekkert
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 33, 196-209, 2014
Explaining variance in national electric vehicle policies
JH Wesseling
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 21, 28-38, 2016
Public procurement for innovation to help meet societal challenges: a review and case study
JH Wesseling, C Edquist
Science and Public Policy 45 (4), 493-502, 2018
Business model design spaces in socio-technical transitions: The case of electric driving in the Netherlands
JH Wesseling, C Bidmon, R Bohnsack
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 154, 119950, 2020
Legitimizing transformative government: Aligning essential government tasks from transition literature with normative arguments about legitimacy from Public Administration …
RB Braams, JH Wesseling, AJ Meijer, MP Hekkert
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 39, 191-205, 2021
Missions as boundary objects for transformative change: understanding coordination across policy, research, and stakeholder communities
MJ Janssen, J Wesseling, J Torrens, KM Weber, C Penna, L Klerkx
Science and Public Policy 50 (3), 398-415, 2023
How key-enabling technologies’ regimes influence sociotechnical transitions: The impact of artificial intelligence on decarbonization in the steel industry
N John, JH Wesseling, E Worrell, M Hekkert
Journal of Cleaner Production 370, 133624, 2022
Developing and applying the Mission-oriented Innovation Systems (MIS) approach
JH Wesseling, N Meijerhof
Working paper, 2021
Assessing mission-specific innovation systems: Towards an analytical framework
R Elzinga, MJ Janssen, J Wesseling, SO Negro, MP Hekkert
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 48, 100745, 2023
Evaluating systemic innovation and transition programmes: Towards a culture of learning
MJ Janssen, A Bergek, JH Wesseling
PLoS sustainability and transformation 1 (3), e0000008, 2022
Position paper ‘Mission-oriented innovation policy observatory’
M Janssen, J Colen Ladeia Torrens, JH Wesseling, I Wanzenböck, ...
Utrecht University, 2020
Roadblocks to fuel-cell electric vehicle diffusion: Evidence from Germany, Japan and California
G Trencher, J Wesseling
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 112, 103458, 2022
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Articles 1–20