M. Abu-Shady
M. Abu-Shady
Professor of Applied Mathematics and the Head of Department of Mathematics and computer science
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Cited by
A generalized definition of the fractional derivative with applications
M Abu-Shady, MKA Kaabar
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 (1), 9444803, 2021
Heavy quarkonia and Bc-mesons in the cornell potential with harmonic oscillator potential in the N-dimensional Schrodinger equation
M Abu-Shady
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics 2 (2 …, 2016
Quarkonium Masses in the N-dimensional Space Using the Analytical Exact Iteration Method
EM Khokha, M Abu-Shady, TA Abdel-Karim
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics 2 (2), 86-92, 2016
Masses and Thermodynamics Properties of Heavy Mesons in the Non-Relativistic Quark Model Using Nikiforov-Uvarov Method
M Abu-Shady, TA Abdel-Karim, SY Ezz-Alarab
Egyp. Math. Soc 27, 14, 2019
Analytic solution of multi-dimensional Schrödinger equation in hot and dense QCD media using the SUSYQM method
M Abu-Shady, AN Ikot
The European Physical Journal Plus 134 (7), 321, 2019
N-dimensional Schrödinger equation at finite temperature using the Nikiforov–Uvarov method
M Abu-Shady
Journal of the Egyptian mathematical society 25 (1), 86-89, 2017
Exact Solution of the N-dimensional Radial Schrodinger Equation via Laplace Transformation Method with the Generalized Cornell Potential
M Abu-Shady, TA Abdel-Karim, EM Khokha
SciFed Journal of Quantum Physics 2 (1), 1-11, 2018
Trigonometric Rosen-Morse Potential as the Quark-Antiquark Interaction Potential for Meson Properties in the Non-Relativistic Quark Model Using EAIM
M Abu-Shady, SY Ezz-Alarab
Few-Body Systems 60, 66, 2019
Binding Energies and Dissociation Temperatures of Heavy Quarkonia at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential in the-Dimensional Space
M Abu-Shady, TA Abdel-Karim, EM Khokha
Advances in High Energy Physics 2018, 2018
A Novel Computational Tool for the Fractional‐Order Special Functions Arising from Modeling Scientific Phenomena via Abu‐Shady‐Kaabar Fractional Derivative
M Abu-Shady, MKA Kaabar
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2022 (1), 2138775, 2022
TA Abdel-Karim and Sh Y Ezz-Alarab J
M Abu-Shady, TA Abdel-Karim, SY Ezz-Alarab
Egyp. Math. Soc 27, 14, 2019
Non-relativistic quark model under external magnetic and Aharanov–Bohm (AB) fields in the presence of temperature-dependent confined Cornell potential
M Abu-Shady, CO Edet, AN Ikot
Canadian Journal of Physics 99 (11), 1024-1031, 2021
Quantized linear model at finite temperature, and nucleon properties
M Abu-Shady, HM Mansour
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (5), 055204, 2012
Ground States of the Hydrogen Molecule and Its Molecular Ion in the Presence of Magnetic Field Using the Variational Monte Carlo Method
SB Doma, M Abu-Shady, FN El-Gamma, AA Amer
Molecular Physics, 2016
Nucleon properties from modified sigma model
M Rashdan, M Abu-Shady, TST Ali
International Journal of Modern Physics A 22 (14n15), 2673-2681, 2007
The extended quark sigma model at finite temperature and baryonic chemical potential
M Abu-Shady, M Soleiman
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 10 (7), 683-692, 2013
Quarkonium masses in a hot QCD medium using conformable fractional of the Nikiforov–Uvarov method
M Abu-Shady
International Journal of Modern Physics A 34 (31), 1950201, 2019
Heavy-Light Mesons in the Non-Relativistic Quark Model Using Laplace Transformation Method
M Abu-Shady, EM Khokha
Advances in high energy physics 2018 (ID 7032041), 12, 2018
Dissociation of Quarkonium in Hot and Dense Media in an Anisotropic Plasma in the Nonrelativistic Quark Model
M Abu-Shady, HM Mansour, AI Ahmadov
High Energy Phys. ID 4785615, 2019
Effect of a logarithmic mesonic potential on nucleon properties in the coherent-pair approximation
M Abu-Shady, M Rashdan
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 81 (1), 015203, 2010
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Articles 1–20