Peng Lu
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Cited by
Achieving reactive species specificity within plasma‐activated water through selective generation using air spark and glow discharges
P Lu, D Boehm, P Bourke, PJ Cullen
Plasma Processes and Polymers 14 (8), 1600207, 2017
Effect of cold plasma on polyphenol oxidase inactivation in cloudy apple juice and on the quality parameters of the juice during storage
AE Illera, S Chaple, MT Sanz, S Ng, P Lu, J Jones, E Carey, P Bourke
Food chemistry: X 3, 100049, 2019
The effect of atmospheric cold plasma treatment on the antigenic properties of bovine milk casein and whey proteins
SW Ng, P Lu, A Rulikowska, D Boehm, G O'Neill, P Bourke
Food Chemistry 342, 128283, 2021
Efficacy of cold plasma functionalised water for improving microbiological safety of fresh produce and wash water recycling
A Patange, P Lu, D Boehm, PJ Cullen, P Bourke
Food Microbiology 84, 103226, 2019
Assessment of the disinfection capacity and eco-toxicological impact of atmospheric cold plasma for treatment of food industry effluents
A Patange, D Boehm, M Giltrap, P Lu, PJ Cullen, P Bourke
Science of the Total Environment 631, 298-307, 2018
Atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma sources
P Lu, PJ Cullen, K Ostrikov
Cold plasma in food and agriculture, 83-116, 2016
Efficacy and mechanistic insights into endocrine disruptor degradation using atmospheric air plasma
C Sarangapani, M Danaher, B Tiwari, P Lu, P Bourke, PJ Cullen
Chemical Engineering Journal 326, 700-714, 2017
Improving enzymatic hydrolysis of brewer spent grain with nonthermal plasma
R Ravindran, C Sarangapani, S Jaiswal, P Lu, PJ Cullen, P Bourke, ...
Bioresource technology 282, 520-524, 2019
Controlled cytotoxicity of plasma treated water formulated by open-air hybrid mode discharge
P Lu, D Boehm, P Cullen, P Bourke
Applied Physics Letters 110 (26), 2017
Humic acid and trihalomethane breakdown with potential by-product formations for atmospheric air plasma water treatment
C Sarangapani, P Lu, P Behan, P Bourke, PJ Cullen
Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry 59, 350-361, 2018
Cold atmospheric plasma is a viable solution for treating orthopedic infection: a review
L Nguyen, P Lu, D Boehm, P Bourke, BF Gilmore, NJ Hickok, TA Freeman
Biological chemistry 400 (1), 77-86, 2018
Dynamic characteristics of laser-assisted discharge plasmas for extreme ultraviolet light sources
P Lu, S Katsuki, N Tomimaru, T Ueno, H Akiyama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 (9R), 096202, 2010
Inner surface biofilm inactivation by atmospheric pressure helium porous plasma jet
P Lu, D Ziuzina, PJ Cullen, P Bourke
Plasma Processes and Polymers 15 (12), 1800055, 2018
Influence of intense pulsed uv irradiation on the viability and proliferation of hela cells
P Lu, D Obata, T Watanabe, K Mitsutake, K Abe, S Katsuki, H Akiyama, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 40 (8), 2020-2027, 2012
Investigation on recovery of gap insulation strength and EUV radiation in the post-discharge stage of a laser-triggered discharge produced tin plasma EUV source
P Lu, S Kitajima, S Lim, S Katsuki, H Akiyama, Y Teramoto
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (43), 435205, 2014
Electrical recovery after laser-assisted discharge for highly repetitive plasma EUV source
P Lu, S Katsuki, T Watanebe, H Akiyama
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (9), 1849-1854, 2011
Optical observations of post-discharge phenomena of laser-triggered discharge produced plasma for EUV lithography
S Lim, S Kitajima, P Lu, T Sakugawa, H Akiyama, S Katsuki, Y Teramoto
Japanese journal of applied physics 54 (1S), 01AA01, 2014
Cover Picture: Plasma Process. Polym. 12/2018
P Lu, D Ziuzina, PJ Cullen, P Bourke
Plasma Processes and Polymers 15 (12), 1870026, 2018
Xenon Z-Pinch Discharge Plasma EUV Source Driven by Ultrashort Current Pulse
P Lu, S Katsuki, H Akiyama
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (7), 1228-1234, 2016
Post-discharge study of laser-triggered vacuum discharge for highly repetitive powerful EUV source
P Lu, S Kitajima, S Lim, S Katsuki, H Akiyama
2013 19th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 1-4, 2013
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Articles 1–20