Alicia Fornes
Alicia Fornes
Computer Vision Center - UAB
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Cited by
Word spotting and recognition with embedded attributes
J Almazán, A Gordo, A Fornés, E Valveny
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 36 (12), 2552 …, 2014
Transcription alignment of Latin manuscripts using hidden Markov models
A Fischer, V Frinken, A Fornés, H Bunke
Proceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and …, 2011
Pay attention to what you read: non-recurrent handwritten text-line recognition
L Kang, P Riba, M Rusiñol, A Fornés, M Villegas
Pattern Recognition 129, 108766, 2022
The ESPOSALLES database: An ancient marriage license corpus for off-line handwriting recognition
VN Romero, A FornéS, NS Serrano, JA SáNchez, AH Toselli, V Frinken, ...
Pattern Recognition 46 (6), 1658-1669, 2013
CVC-MUSCIMA: a ground truth of handwritten music score images for writer identification and staff removal
A Fornés, A Dutta, A Gordo, J Lladós
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 15, 243-251, 2012
Planning formalisms and authoring in interactive storytelling
F Charles, M Lozano, S Mead, AF Bisquerra, M Cavazza
Technologies for interactive digital storytelling and entertainment, TIDSE …, 2003
Table detection in invoice documents by graph neural networks
P Riba, A Dutta, L Goldmann, A Fornés, O Ramos, J Lladós
2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2019
Segmentation-free word spotting with exemplar SVMs
J Almazán, A Gordo, A Fornés, E Valveny
Pattern Recognition 47 (12), 3967-3978, 2014
Blurred shape model for binary and grey-level symbol recognition
S Escalera, A Fornés, O Pujol, P Radeva, G Sánchez, J Lladós
Pattern Recognition Letters 30 (15), 1424-1433, 2009
GANwriting: content-conditioned generation of styled handwritten word images
L Kang, P Riba, Y Wang, M Rusinol, A Fornés, M Villegas
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Convolve, attend and spell: An attention-based sequence-to-sequence model for handwritten word recognition
L Kang, JI Toledo, P Riba, M Villegas, A Fornés, M Rusinol
Pattern Recognition: 40th German Conference, GCPR 2018, Stuttgart, Germany …, 2019
From optical music recognition to handwritten music recognition: a baseline
A Baró, P Riba, J Calvo-Zaragoza, A Fornés
Pattern Recognition Letters 123, 1-8, 2019
Efficient Exemplar Word Spotting.
J Almazán, A Gordo, A Fornés, E Valveny
Bmvc 1 (2), 3, 2012
Handwritten word spotting with corrected attributes
J Almazan, A Gordo, A Fornés, E Valveny
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 1017-1024, 2013
On the influence of word representations for handwritten word spotting in historical documents
J Lladós, M Rusinol, A Fornés, D Fernández, A Dutta
International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence 26 …, 2012
Information extraction from historical handwritten document images with a context-aware neural model
JI Toledo, M Carbonell, A Fornés, J Lladós
Pattern Recognition 86, 27-36, 2019
Unsupervised writer adaptation for synthetic-to-real handwritten word recognition
L Kang, M Rusinol, A Fornés, P Riba, M Villegas
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2020
A novel learning-free word spotting approach based on graph representation
P Wang, V Eglin, C Garcia, C Largeron, J Lladós, A Fornés
2014 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 207-211, 2014
Writer identification in old handwritten music scores
A Fornés, J Lladós, G Sánchez, H Bunke
2008 The eighth IAPR international workshop on document analysis systems …, 2008
Bh2m: The barcelona historical, handwritten marriages database
D Fernández-Mota, J Almazán, N Cirera, A Fornés, J Lladós
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 256-261, 2014
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Articles 1–20