Brian Kendall
Brian Kendall
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo
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A whiff of oxygen before the great oxidation event?
AD Anbar, Y Duan, TW Lyons, GL Arnold, B Kendall, RA Creaser, ...
Science 317 (5846), 1903-1906, 2007
Ocean oxygenation in the wake of the Marinoan glaciation
SK Sahoo, NJ Planavsky, B Kendall, X Wang, X Shi, C Scott, AD Anbar, ...
Nature 489 (7417), 546-549, 2012
Oceanic oxygenation events in the anoxic Ediacaran ocean
SK Sahoo, NJ Planavsky, G Jiang, B Kendall, JD Owens, X Wang, X Shi, ...
Geobiology 14 (5), 457-468, 2016
Re-Os geochronology of postglacial black shales in Australia: Constraints on the timing of “Sturtian” glaciation
B Kendall, RA Creaser, D Selby
Geology 34 (9), 729-732, 2006
Pervasive oxygenation along late Archaean ocean margins
B Kendall, CT Reinhard, TW Lyons, AJ Kaufman, SW Poulton, AD Anbar
Nature Geoscience 3 (9), 647-652, 2010
Re-Os and Mo isotope systematics of black shales from the Middle Proterozoic Velkerri and Wollogorang Formations, McArthur Basin, northern Australia
B Kendall, RA Creaser, GW Gordon, AD Anbar
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (9), 2534-2558, 2009
Uranium and molybdenum isotope evidence for an episode of widespread ocean oxygenation during the late Ediacaran Period
B Kendall, T Komiya, TW Lyons, SM Bates, GW Gordon, SJ Romaniello, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 156, 173-193, 2015
The stable isotope geochemistry of molybdenum
B Kendall, TW Dahl, AD Anbar
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 82 (1), 683-732, 2017
Constraints on the timing of Marinoan “Snowball Earth” glaciation by 187Re–187Os dating of a Neoproterozoic, post-glacial black shale in Western Canada
BS Kendall, RA Creaser, GM Ross, D Selby
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 222 (3-4), 729-740, 2004
Extensive marine anoxia during the terminal Ediacaran Period
F Zhang, S Xiao, B Kendall, SJ Romaniello, H Cui, M Meyer, ...
Science advances 4 (6), eaan8983, 2018
Trace elements at the intersection of marine biological and geochemical evolution
LJ Robbins, SV Lalonde, NJ Planavsky, CA Partin, CT Reinhard, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 163, 323-348, 2016
Molybdenum isotope evidence for mild environmental oxygenation before the Great Oxidation Event
Y Duan, AD Anbar, GL Arnold, TW Lyons, GW Gordon, B Kendall
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (23), 6655-6668, 2010
Molybdenum isotope constraints on the extent of late Paleoproterozoic ocean euxinia
B Kendall, GW Gordon, SW Poulton, AD Anbar
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 307 (3-4), 450-460, 2011
Uranium isotope fractionation suggests oxidative uranium mobilization at 2.50 Ga
B Kendall, GA Brennecka, S Weyer, AD Anbar
Chemical Geology 362, 105-114, 2013
187Re-187Os geochronology of Precambrian organic-rich sedimentary rocks
B Kendall, RA Creaser, D Selby
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 326 (1), 85-107, 2009
Fully oxygenated water columns over continental shelves before the Great Oxidation Event
CM Ostrander, SG Nielsen, JD Owens, B Kendall, GW Gordon, ...
Nature geoscience 12 (3), 186-191, 2019
Global correlation of the Vazante Group, São Francisco Basin, Brazil: Re–Os and U–Pb radiometric age constraints
K Azmy, B Kendall, RA Creaser, L Heaman, TF de Oliveira
Precambrian Research 164 (3-4), 160-172, 2008
Bioavailability of zinc in marine systems through time
C Scott, NJ Planavsky, CL Dupont, B Kendall, BC Gill, LJ Robbins, ...
Nature Geoscience 6 (2), 125-128, 2013
Oxygenation of a Cryogenian ocean (Nanhua Basin, South China) revealed by pyrite Fe isotope compositions
F Zhang, X Zhu, B Yan, B Kendall, X Peng, J Li, TJ Algeo, S Romaniello
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 429, 11-19, 2015
A model for the oceanic mass balance of rhenium and implications for the extent of Proterozoic ocean anoxia
AI Sheen, B Kendall, CT Reinhard, RA Creaser, TW Lyons, A Bekker, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 227, 75-95, 2018
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Articles 1–20