Florent Ravelet
Florent Ravelet
LIFSE, Arts et Metiers Science and Technology, CNAM, Hesam University
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Generation of a magnetic field by dynamo action in a turbulent flow of liquid sodium
R Monchaux, M Berhanu, M Bourgoin, M Moulin, P Odier, JF Pinton, ...
Physical review letters 98 (4), 044502, 2007
Magnetic field reversals in an experimental turbulent dynamo
M Berhanu, R Monchaux, S Fauve, N Mordant, F Pétrélis, A Chiffaudel, ...
Europhysics Letters 77 (5), 59001, 2007
Multistability and Memory Effect in a Highly Turbulent Flow: Experimental Evidence<? format?> for a Global Bifurcation
F Ravelet, L Marié, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud
Physical review letters 93 (16), 164501, 2004
Supercritical transition to turbulence in an inertially driven von Kármán closed flow
F Ravelet, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 601, 339-364, 2008
Toward an experimental von Kármán dynamo: Numerical studies for an optimized design
F Ravelet, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud, J Léorat
Physics of fluids 17 (11), 2005
The von Kármán sodium experiment: turbulent dynamical dynamos
R Monchaux, M Berhanu, S Aumaître, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud, B Dubrulle, ...
Physics of Fluids 21 (3), 2009
Experimental study of blade thickness effects on the overall and local performances of a controlled vortex designed axial-flow fan
C Sarraf, H Nouri, F Ravelet, F Bakir
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 35 (4), 684-693, 2011
Experimental study of hydraulic transport of large particles in horizontal pipes
F Ravelet, F Bakir, S Khelladi, R Rey
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 45, 187, 2013
Chaotic dynamos generated by a turbulent flow of liquid sodium
F Ravelet, M Berhanu, R Monchaux, S Aumaître, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud, ...
Physical review letters 101 (7), 074502, 2008
Cavitation regime detection through Proper Orthogonal Decomposition: Dynamics analysis of the sheet cavity on a grooved convergent–divergent nozzle
A Danlos, F Ravelet, O Coutier-Delgosha, F Bakir
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 47, 9-20, 2014
Properties of steady states in turbulent axisymmetric flows
R Monchaux, F Ravelet, B Dubrulle, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud
Physical review letters 96 (12), 124502, 2006
Influence of global rotation and Reynolds number on the large-scale features of a turbulent Taylor–Couette flow
F Ravelet, R Delfos, J Westerweel
Pḧysics of Fluids 22 (5), 055103, 2010
On the dynamics and breakup of a bubble rising in a turbulent flow
F Ravelet, C Colin, F Risso
Physics of Fluids 23 (10), 2011
Experimental study of aerated cavitation in a horizontal venturi nozzle
P Tomov, S Khelladi, F Ravelet, C Sarraf, F Bakir, P Vertenoeuil
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 70, 85-95, 2016
Ambivalent effects of added layers on steady kinematic dynamos in cylindrical geometry: application to the VKS experiment
F Stefani, M Xu, G Gerbeth, F Ravelet, A Chiffaudel, F Daviaud, J Léorat
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 25 (6), 894-908, 2006
Design and experimental validation of a ducted counter-rotating axial-flow fans system
H Nouri, F Ravelet, F Bakir, C Sarraf, R Rey
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME 134 (10), 104504, 2012
Study of the cavitating instability on a grooved Venturi profile
A Danlos, JE Mehal, F Ravelet, O Coutier-Delgosha, F Bakir
Journal of Fluids Engineering 136, FE-13-1291, 2014
Bifurcations globales hydrodynamiques et magnétohydrodynamiques dans un écoulement de von Kármán turbulent
F Ravelet
Ecole Polytechnique X, 2005
Cavitation control using passive flow control techniques
M Zaresharif, F Ravelet, DJ Kinahan, Y Delaure
Physics of Fluids 33 (12), 2021
A comparative study of mixed resolved–unresolved CFD-DEM and unresolved CFD-DEM methods for the solution of particle-laden liquid flows
STW Kuruneru, E Marechal, M Deligant, S Khelladi, F Ravelet, SC Saha, ...
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 26, 1239-1254, 2019
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Articles 1–20