Liang Luo
Liang Luo
Professor of psychology and education, Beijing Normal University
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The relation between family socioeconomic status and academic achievement in China: A meta-analysis
J Liu, P Peng, L Luo
Educational Psychology Review 32, 49-76, 2020
Testing (quizzing) boosts classroom learning: A systematic and meta-analytic review.
C Yang, L Luo, MA Vadillo, R Yu, DR Shanks
Psychological bulletin 147 (4), 399, 2021
The confidence database
D Rahnev, K Desender, ALF Lee, WT Adler, D Aguilar-Lleyda, B Akdoğan, ...
Nature human behaviour 4 (3), 317-325, 2020
Gender differences in how family income and parental education relate to reading achievement in China: The mediating role of parental expectation and parental involvement
X Guo, B Lv, H Zhou, C Liu, J Liu, K Jiang, L Luo
Frontiers in psychology 9, 783, 2018
The relationship between academic achievement and the emotional well-being of elementary school children in China: The moderating role of parent-school communication
B Lv, H Zhou, X Guo, C Liu, Z Liu, L Luo
Frontiers in psychology 7, 948, 2016
Socioeconomic status and academic achievement in primary and secondary education: A meta-analytic review
J Liu, P Peng, B Zhao, L Luo
Educational Psychology Review 34 (4), 2867-2896, 2022
A role for metamemory in cognitive offloading
X Hu, L Luo, SM Fleming
Cognition 193, 104012, 2019
How much do metamemory beliefs contribute to the font-size effect in judgments of learning?
X Hu, T Li, J Zheng, N Su, Z Liu, L Luo
PloS one 10 (11), e0142351, 2015
The relationship between parental involvement in education and children's academic/emotion profiles: A person-centered approach
B Lv, L Lv, Z Yan, L Luo
Children and Youth Services Review 100, 175-182, 2019
The relationship between parental involvement and elementary students’ academic achievement in China: One-only children vs. children with siblings
W Wei, Y Wu, B Lv, H Zhou, X Han, Z Liu, L Luo
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 47 (4), 483-500, 2016
The relationship between mother–child discrepancies in educational aspirations and children's academic achievement: The mediating role of children's academic self-efficacy
B Lv, H Zhou, C Liu, X Guo, C Zhang, Z Liu, L Luo
Children and Youth Services Review 86, 296-301, 2018
Influence of cue word perceptual information on metamemory accuracy in judgement of learning
X Hu, Z Liu, T Li, L Luo
Memory 24 (3), 383-398, 2016
The relationship between parental involvement and children’s self-efficacy profiles: A person-centered approach
B Lv, H Zhou, C Liu, X Guo, J Liu, K Jiang, Z Liu, L Luo
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 3730-3741, 2018
How font size affects judgments of learning: Simultaneous mediating effect of item-specific beliefs about fluency and moderating effect of beliefs about font size and memory
N Su, T Li, J Zheng, X Hu, T Fan, L Luo
PloS one 13 (7), e0200888, 2018
Do working memory capacity and test anxiety modulate the beneficial effects of testing on new learning?
C Yang, B Sun, R Potts, R Yu, L Luo, DR Shanks
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 26 (4), 724, 2020
When judging what you know changes what you really know: Soliciting metamemory judgments reactively enhances children’s learning
W Zhao, B Li, DR Shanks, W Zhao, J Zheng, X Hu, N Su, T Fan, Y Yin, ...
Child Development 93 (2), 405-417, 2022
Testing potential mechanisms underlying test-potentiated new learning.
C Yang, W Zhao, L Luo, B Sun, R Potts, DR Shanks
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (8), 1127, 2022
The development of grit and growth mindset in Chinese children
T Zhang, D Park, LH Ungar, E Tsukayama, L Luo, AL Duckworth
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 221, 105450, 2022
Judgments of learning reactively facilitate visual memory by enhancing learning engagement
A Shi, C Xu, W Zhao, DR Shanks, X Hu, L Luo, C Yang
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 30 (2), 676-687, 2023
Soliciting judgments of forgetting reactively enhances memory as well as making judgments of learning: Empirical and meta-analytic tests
B Li, W Zhao, J Zheng, X Hu, N Su, T Fan, Y Yin, M Liu, C Yang, L Luo
Memory & Cognition, 1-17, 2022
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Articles 1–20