Kristal Cain
Kristal Cain
School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland
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Competitive females are successful females; phenotype, mechanism, and selection in a common songbird
KE Cain, ED Ketterson
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66, 241-252, 2012
Troubleshooting public data archiving: suggestions to increase participation
DG Roche, R Lanfear, SA Binning, TM Haff, LE Schwanz, KE Cain, ...
PLoS biology 12 (1), e1001779, 2014
Female and male song rates across breeding stage: testing for sexual and nonsexual functions of female song
KE Cain, NE Langmore
Animal Behaviour 109, 65-71, 2015
Female song rates in response to simulated intruder are positively related to reproductive success
K Cain, A Cockburn, N Langmore
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 119-, 2015
Costs and benefits of competitive traits in females: aggression, maternal care and reproductive success
KE Cain, ED Ketterson
PLoS One 8 (10), e77816, 2013
Two sides of the same coin? Consistency in aggression to conspecifics and predators in a female songbird
KE Cain, MS Rich, K Ainsworth, ED Ketterson
Ethology 117 (9), 786-795, 2011
Female song and aggression show contrasting relationships to reproductive success when habitat quality differs
KE Cain, NE Langmore
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70, 1867-1877, 2016
Next steps for understanding the selective relevance of female-female competition
KE Cain, KA Rosvall
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2, 32, 2014
Conspicuous plumage does not increase predation risk: a continent-wide test using model songbirds
KE Cain, ML Hall, I Medina, AV Leitao, K Delhey, L Brouwer, A Peters, ...
The American Naturalist 193 (3), 359-372, 2019
Habitat structure is linked to the evolution of plumage colour in female, but not male, fairy-wrens
I Medina, K Delhey, A Peters, KE Cain, ML Hall, RA Mulder, NE Langmore
BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 1-9, 2017
Individual variation in testosterone and parental care in a female songbird; the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis)
KE Cain, ED Ketterson
Hormones and Behavior 64 (4), 685-692, 2013
Sleep loss impairs cognitive performance and alters song output in Australian magpies
RD Johnsson, F Connelly, J Gaviraghi Mussoi, AL Vyssotski, KE Cain, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6645, 2022
Host phylogeny shapes viral transmission networks in an island ecosystem
RK French, SH Anderson, KE Cain, TC Greene, M Minor, CM Miskelly, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (11), 1834-1843, 2023
Sex in the city: Sexual selection and urban colonization in passerines
M Iglesias-Carrasco, DA Duchêne, ML Head, AP Møller, K Cain
Biology letters 15 (9), 20190257, 2019
Testosterone production, sexually dimorphic morphology, and digit ratio in the dark-eyed junco
KE Cain, CM Bergeon Burns, ED Ketterson
Behavioral Ecology 24 (2), 462-469, 2013
The role of pigment based plumage traits in resolving conflicts
CM Young, KE Cain, N Svedin, PRY Backwell, SR Pryke
Journal of Avian Biology 47 (2), 167-175, 2016
Sex role similarity and sexual selection predict male and female song elaboration and dimorphism in fairy‐wrens
KJ Odom, KE Cain, ML Hall, NE Langmore, RA Mulder, S Kleindorfer, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (24), 17901-17919, 2021
Nesting success in crimson finches: chance or choice?
CM Young, KE Cain, N Svedin, PRY Backwell, SR Pryke
Ethology 123 (1), 41-50, 2017
Beyond a biased binary: A perspective on the misconceptions, challenges, and implications of studying females in avian behavioral endocrinology
KO Smiley, SE Lipshutz, AA Kimmitt, MS DeVries, KE Cain, EM George, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 13 (Rising Stars in Avian Physiology: 2022), 134, 2023
Testosterone production in response to exogenous gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH challenge) depends on social environment and color polymorphism
KE Cain, SR Pryke
General and Comparative Endocrinology 244, 77-85, 2017
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Articles 1–20