Thaned Satiennam
Thaned Satiennam
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Potential for modal shift by passenger car and motorcycle users towards Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in an Asian developing city
T Satiennam, S Jaensirisak, W Satiennam, S Detdamrong
IATSS research 39 (2), 121-129, 2016
Mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, and sound absorption of pervious concrete containing recycled concrete and bottom ash aggregates
C Ngohpok, V Sata, T Satiennam, P Klungboonkrong, P Chindaprasirt
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 22, 1369-1376, 2018
A study on the introduction of bus rapid transit system in Asian developing cities: A case study on Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Project
T Satiennam, A Fukuda, R Oshima
IATSS research 30 (2), 59-69, 2006
Traffic accidents in Thailand
Y Tanaboriboon, T Satiennam
IATSS research 29 (1), 88-100, 2005
Study on regulation of motorcycle taxi service in Bangkok
R Oshima, A Fukuda, T Fukuda, T Satiennam
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 7, 1828-1843, 2007
Red light running by young motorcyclists: Factors and beliefs influencing intentions and behavior
W Satiennam, T Satiennam, T Triyabutra, W Rujopakarn
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 55, 234-245, 2018
Comparative study of real-world driving cycles, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions of electric and gasoline motorcycles driving in a congested urban corridor
T Koossalapeerom, T Satiennam, W Satiennam, W Leelapatra, A Seedam, ...
Sustainable cities and society 45, 619-627, 2019
Influence of psychological factors on mode choice behaviour: Case study of BRT in Khon Kaen City, Thailand
R Kaewkluengklom, W Satiennam, S Jaensirisak, T Satiennam
Transportation research procedia 25, 5072-5082, 2017
Public transport planning for a motorcycle dominated community
T Satiennam, S Jaensirisak, N Natevongin, W Kowtanapanich
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 9, 970-985, 2011
Development of an onboard system to measure the on-road driving pattern for developing motorcycle driving cycle in Khon Kaen city, Thailand
A Seedam, T Satiennam, T Radpukdee, W Satiennam
IATSS research 39 (1), 79-85, 2015
Modeling of safety helmet use intention among students in urban and rural Thailand based on the theory of planned behavior and Locus of Control
T Champahom, S Jomnonkwao, T Satiennam, N Suesat, V Ratanavaraha
The Social Science Journal 57 (4), 508-529, 2020
Factors associated with the red-light running behavior characteristics of motorcyclists
P Jantosut, W Satiennam, T Satiennam, S Jaensirisak
IATSS research 45 (2), 251-257, 2021
Motorcycle On‐Road Driving Parameters Influencing Fuel Consumption and Emissions on Congested Signalized Urban Corridor
A Seedam, T Satiennam, T Radpukdee, W Satiennam, V Ratanavaraha
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2017 (1), 5859789, 2017
An enhanced public transportation priority system for two-lane arterials with nearside bus stops
T Satiennam, A Fukuda, T Muroi, S Jansuwan, NKW Bangkok10110
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 5, 1309-1321, 2005
The determinants of motorcyclists helmet use: Urban arterial road in Khon Kaen City, Thailand
J Kumphong, T Satiennam, W Satiennam
Journal of safety research 67, 93-97, 2018
Potential performance of urban land use and transport strategies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Khon Kaen case study, Thailand
P Klungboonkrong, S Jaensirisak, T Satiennam
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 11 (1), 36-48, 2017
Traffic light color identification for automatic traffic light violation detection system
P Wonghabut, J Kumphong, R Ung-arunyawee, W Leelapatra, ...
2018 international conference on engineering, applied sciences, and …, 2018
Change in helmet use behavior enforced by CCTV cameras with automatic helmet use detection system on an urban arterial road
T Satiennam, J Kumphong, W Satiennam, P Klungboonkrong, ...
Traffic injury prevention 21 (7), 494-499, 2020
Intersection safety assessment using video-based traffic conflict analysis: The case study of Thailand
N Kronprasert, C Sutheerakul, T Satiennam, P Luathep
Sustainability 13 (22), 12722, 2021
Automatic helmet-wearing detection for law enforcement using CCTV cameras
P Wonghabut, J Kumphong, T Satiennam, R Ung-Arunyawee, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 143 (1), 012063, 2018
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Articles 1–20