Palak Kathiria
Palak Kathiria
LRC, AAFC, Canada
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Micronuclei in genotoxicity assessment: from genetics to epigenetics and beyond
L Luzhna, P Kathiria, O Kovalchuk
Frontiers in genetics 4, 131, 2013
Transgenerational changes in the genome stability and methylation in pathogen-infected plants: (Virus-induced plant genome instability)
A Boyko, P Kathiria, FJ Zemp, Y Yao, I Pogribny, I Kovalchuk
Nucleic acids research 35 (5), 1714-1725, 2007
Tobacco mosaic virus infection results in an increase in recombination frequency and resistance to viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens in the progeny of infected tobacco plants
P Kathiria, C Sidler, A Golubov, M Kalischuk, LM Kawchuk, I Kovalchuk
Plant physiology 153 (4), 1859-1870, 2010
Paternal cranial irradiation induces distant bystander DNA damage in the germline and leads to epigenetic alterations in the offspring
J Tamminga, I Koturbash, M Baker, K Kutanzi, P Kathiria, IP Pogribny, ...
Cell cycle 7 (9), 1238-1245, 2008
DNA damage-induced upregulation of miR-709 in the germline downregulates BORIS to counteract aberrant DNA hypomethylation
J Tamminga, P Kathiria, I Koturbash, O Kovalchuk
Cell Cycle 7 (23), 3731-3736, 2008
Trichostatin A increases embryo and green plant regeneration in wheat
F Jiang, D Ryabova, J Diedhiou, P Hucl, H Randhawa, EF Marillia, ...
Plant cell reports 36, 1701-1706, 2017
Increase of homologous recombination frequency in vascular tissue of Arabidopsis plants exposed to salt stress
A Boyko, D Hudson, P Bhomkar, P Kathiria, I Kovalchuk
Plant and cell physiology 47 (6), 736-742, 2006
Progeny of tobacco mosaic virus-infected Nicotiana tabacum plants exhibit trans-generational changes in metabolic profiles
R Mandal, P Kathiria, N Psychogios, S Bouatra, R Krishnamurthy, ...
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 1 (2), 115-123, 2012
Nucleases for genome editing in crops
P Kathiria, F Eudes
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 3 (1), 14-19, 2014
A systemic increase in the recombination frequency upon local infection of Arabidopsis thaliana plants with oilseed rape mosaic virus depends on plant age, the …
Y Yao, P Kathiria, I Kovalchuk
Frontiers in plant science 4, 61, 2013
Effect of external and internal factors on the expression of reporter genes driven by the N resistance gene promoter
P Kathiria, C Sidler, R Woycicki, Y Yao, I Kovalchuk
Plant signaling & behavior 8 (7), e24760, 2013
Reporter gene-based recombination lines for studies of genome stability
P Kathiria, I Kovalchuk
Plant Epigenetics: Methods and Protocols, 243-252, 2010
Improvement in wheat carbon flux for increased yield and harvest index
P Kathiria, J Diedhiou, EF Marillia
Canadian Wheat Alliance Meetings, Saskatoon, 2016
In situ analysis of DNA methylation in plants
P Kathiria, I Kovalchuk
Plant Epigenetics: Methods and Protocols, 41-48, 2010
Transgenerational response to stress in plants involves genome destabilization, changes in methylation and increase in stress tolerance
I Kovalchuk, P Kathiria, A Boyko
Genome Instability and Transgenerational Effects, 321-342, 2011
Trichostatin A increases embryo and green plant regeneration in wheat.
JFY Jiang FengYing, D Ryabova, J Diedhiou, P Hucl, H Randhawa, ...
In Situ Analysis of DNA Methylation in Plants
P Kathiria, I Kovalchuk
Plant Epigenetics: Methods and Protocols, 81-88, 2017
Development of new wheat varieties resistant to FHB through microspore in vitro selection technology.
D Ryabova, HS Randhawa, P Kathiria, JFY Jiang FengYing, D Spaner, ...
Supplemental Material to
P Kathiria, C Sidler, R Woycicki, Y Yao, I Kovalchuk
Plant Signaling & Behavior 8 (7), 2013
Transgenerational changes in progeny of compatible pathogen infected plants
P Kathiria
Lethbridge, Alta.: University of Lethbridge, Dept. of Biological Sciences, 2010, 2010
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Articles 1–20