William Albouy
William Albouy
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About the influence of stamping on thermoplastic-based composites for aeronautical applications
B Vieille, W Albouy, L Chevalier, L Taleb
Composites Part B: Engineering 45 (1), 821-834, 2013
Influence of matrix ductility on the high-temperature fatigue behaviour of quasi-isotropic woven-ply thermoplastic and thermoset laminates
W Albouy, B Vieille, L Taleb
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 67, 22-36, 2014
Experimental and numerical investigations on the time-dependent behavior of woven-ply PPS thermoplastic laminates at temperatures higher than glass transition temperature
W Albouy, B Vieille, L Taleb
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 49, 165-178, 2013
Fatigue damage accumulation in notched woven-ply thermoplastic and thermoset laminates at high-temperature: influence of matrix ductility and fatigue life prediction
B Vieille, W Albouy
International Journal of Fatigue 80, 1-9, 2015
About the creep-fatigue interaction on the fatigue behaviour of off-axis woven-ply thermoplastic laminates at temperatures higher than Tg
B Vieille, W Albouy, L Taleb
Composites Part B: Engineering 58, 478-486, 2014
Investigations on stamping of C/PEEK laminates: Influence on meso-structure and macroscopic mechanical properties under severe environmental conditions
B Vieille, W Albouy, L Taleb
Composites Part B: Engineering 63, 101-110, 2014
High-temperature fatigue behaviour of notched quasi-isotropic thermoplastic and thermoset laminates: Influence of matrix ductility on damage mechanisms and stress distribution
B Vieille, W Albouy, D Bouscarrat, L Taleb
Composite structures 153, 311-320, 2016
Multi-scale modeling of distortion in the non-flat 3D woven composite part manufactured using resin transfer molding
A Trofimov, J Le-Pavic, C Ravey, W Albouy, D Therriault, M Lévesque
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 140, 106145, 2021
Determination of the damage threshold in woven-ply thermoplastic laminates at T> Tg: Acoustic emission and microscopic damage analysis
W Albouy, B Vieille
Composites Part B: Engineering 64, 138-146, 2014
De la contribution de la visco-élasto-plasticité au comportement en fatigue de composites à matrice thermoplastique et thermodurcissable
W Albouy
INSA de Rouen, 2013
Viscoelastic viscoplastic model for aeronautical thermoplastic laminates at high temperature: Validation on high stress gradient structures
B Vieille, W Albouy, L Taleb
Composites Part B: Engineering 90, 278-286, 2016
Influence of stamping on the compressive behavior and the damage mechanisms of C/PEEK laminates bolted joints under severe conditions
B Vieille, W Albouy, L Taleb
Composites Part B: Engineering 79, 631-638, 2015
Automated crack detection in laminated composites by optical flow measurements
M Nicol, F Laurin, M Hirsekorn, M Kaminski, S Feld-Payet, P Paulmier, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 255, 110599, 2023
Influence of matrix ductility on the high-temperature fatigue behavior of off-axis woven-ply thermoplastic and thermoset laminates
W Albouy, B Vieille, L Taleb
International journal of fatigue 63, 85-96, 2014
About the applicability of a simple model to predict the fatigue life and behavior of woven-ply thermoplastic laminates at T> Tg
B Vieille, W Albouy
Composites Part B: Engineering 61, 181-190, 2014
Influence of plasticity and viscous effects on the high-temperature fatigue behaviour of off-axis woven-ply thermoplastic and thermoset laminates
W Albouy, B Vieille, L Taleb
Int J Fatigue 63, 85-96, 2014
Numerical method to assess the stress state and gradients induced by thermo-oxidation in adhesively bonded joints for aircraft engine applications
J Masson, M Gigliotti, JC Grandidier, J Delozanne, W Albouy, N Dagorn
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 113, 103063, 2022
Cluster analysis of acoustic emission data to investigate the damage evolution in modified scarf joint under bi-axial loading
J Destouesse, M Diakhate, C Badulescu, D Thevenet, M Stackler, ...
The Journal of Adhesion, 2020
Identification of the material behavior of adhesive joints under dynamic multiaxial loadings
A Janin, A Constantinescu, D Weisz-Patrault, R Neviere, M Stackler, ...
International Journal of Impact Engineering 133, 103355, 2019
Influence of matrix ductility on the high-temperature fatigue behaviour of notched and unnotched thermoplastic and thermoset laminates
B Vieille, W Albouy
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 34 (21), 1755-1764, 2015
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Articles 1–20