Alexandru Alin
Alexandru Alin
Other namesAlexandru Alin Madalin
“Marin Drăcea” National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry – INCDS
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Cited by
Intraspecific Growth Response to Drought of Abies alba in the Southeastern Carpathians
G Mihai, AM Alexandru, E Stoica, MV Birsan
Forests 12 (4), 387, 2021
Adaptive genetic potential of European silver fir in Romania in the context of climate change
G Mihai, MV Bîrsan, A Dumitrescu, A Alexandru, I Mirancea, P Ivanov, ...
Annals of Forest Research 61 (1), 95-108, 2018
Impact of climate change and adaptive genetic potential of Norway spruce at the South–Eastern range of species distribution
G Mihai, M Teodosiu, MV Birsan, AM Alexandru, I Mirancea, EN Apostol, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291, 108040, 2020
Climate change in the provenance regions of Romania over the last 70 years: Implications for forest management
G Mihai, AM Alexandru, IA Nita, MV Birsan
Forests 13 (8), 1203, 2022
Genetic variation and early selection in Larix decidua Mill. from progeny test in Romania
G Mihai, A Alexandru, I Mirancea
Annals of Forest Science 76, 1-11, 2019
Multi-Trait Selection and Stability in Norway Spruce (Picea abies) Provenance Trials in Romania
AM Alexandru, G Mihai, E Stoica, AL Curtu
Forests 14 (3), 456, 2023
Growth and adaptive capacity of douglas fir genetic resources from western Romania under climate change
G Mihai, AL Curtu, AM Alexandru, IA Nita, E Ciocîrlan, MV Birsan
Forests 13 (5), 805, 2022
Intraspecific growth response to drought of Abies alba in the Southeastern Carpathians. Forests 12: 387
G Mihai, AM Alexandru, E Stoica, MV Birsan
Genetic variation and inheritance of bud flushing in a Norway spruce seed orchard established in Romania.
G Mihai, AL Curtu, P Garbacea, AM Alexandru, I Mirancea, M Teodosiu
Climate Change in the Provenance Regions of Romania over the Last 70 Years: Implications for Forest Management. Forests 2022, 13, 1203
G Mihai, AM Alexandru, IA Nita, MV Birsan
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Growth and Adaptive Capacity of Douglas Fir Genetic Resources from Western Romania under Climate Change. Forests 2022, 13, 805
G Mihai, AL Curtu, AM Alexandru, IA Nita, E Ciocîrlan, MV Birsan
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2022
Tree Resilience Indices of Norway Spruce Provenances Tested in Long-Term Common Garden Experiments in the Romanian Carpathians
AM Alexandru, G Mihai, E Stoica, AL Curtu
Plants 13 (16), 2172, 2024
Variation in Wood Density Among Picea abies Provenances in the Romanian Carpathians
AM Alexandru, G Mihai, E Stoica, AL Curtu
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series II: Forestry• Wood …, 2024
Drought Resilience Indices of Norway Spruce Provenances Tested in Long-Term Common Garden Experiments in the Romanian Carpathians
AM Alexandru, G Mihai, E Stoica, AL Curtu
Preprints, 2024
Analysis of the Climate Signal in Subannual Width Measurements of Pinus nigra Tree Rings in Kastamonu Province, Turkey
M Majeed, E Stoica, DM Meko, R Touchan, F Sivrikaya, AM Alexandru, ...
Tree-Ring Research 79 (2), 50-59, 2023
Mitigating climate change effects on forest growth using planting stock with high adaptive genetic capacity: results from Abies alba (Mill.) provenance trials at the …
G Mihai, AM Alexandru, MV Birsan, I Mirancea, P Garbacea, E Stoica
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10851, 2020
Revista Pădurilor
VG Popaa, SA Borza
Revista Pădurilor 134 (3), 001-054, 2019
Climate changes impact, adaptive genetic capacity and vulnerability of the forest tree species.
G Mihai, M Teodosiu, MV Birsan, A Dumitrescu, AM Alexandru, I Mirancea
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Genetic variation of bud flushing in a Norway spruce seed orchard in Romania.
AL Curtu, G Mihai, P Ivanov, A Alexandru, I Mirancea, M Teodosiu, ...
Genetic variation and genetic gain in a seed orchard of Norway spruce in Romania.
G Mihai, I Mirancea, A Alexandru, P Ivanov, M Teodosiu
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Articles 1–20