Sunita Singh Dhawan
Sunita Singh Dhawan
Senior Principal Scientist
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Cited by
Use of RAPD and AFLP Markers to Identify Inter- and Intraspecific Hybrids of Mentha
AK Shasany, MP Darokar, S Dhawan, AK Gupta, S Gupta, AK Shukla, ...
Journal of Heredity 96 (5), 542-549, 2005
High regenerative nature ofMentha arvensis internodes
AK Shasany, SPS Khanujia, S Dhawan, U Yadav, S Sharma, S Kumar
Journal of Biosciences 23, 641-646, 1998
Physiological performance, secondary metabolite and expression profiling of genes associated with drought tolerance in Withania somnifera
Sanchita, R Singh, A Mishra, SS Dhawan, PA Shirke, MM Gupta, ...
Protoplasma 252, 1439-1450, 2015
Modulations in primary and secondary metabolic pathways and adjustment in physiological behaviour of Withania somnifera under drought stress
R Singh, P Gupta, F Khan, SK Singh, T Mishra, A Kumar, SS Dhawan, ...
Plant Science 272, 42-54, 2018
Formulation comprising thymol useful in the treatment of drug resistant bacterial infections
SPS Khanuja, S Srivastava, AK Shasney, MP Darokar, TRS Kumar, ...
US Patent 6,824,795, 2004
A cold-tolerant evergreen interspecific hybrid of Ocimum kilimandscharicum and Ocimum basilicum: analyzing trichomes and molecular variations
SS Dhawan, P Shukla, P Gupta, RK Lal
Protoplasma 253, 845-855, 2016
Nanoparticles alter the withanolide biosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in Withania somnifera (Dunal)
R Singh, DP Singh, P Gupta, P Jain, T Mishra, A Kumar, SS Dhawan, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 127, 94-109, 2019
DNA fingerprinting and genetic relationships similarities among the accessions/species of Ocimum using SCoT and ISSR markers system
P Gupta, A Mishra, RK Lal, SS Dhawan
Molecular Biotechnology 63, 446-457, 2021
Induced polygenic variations through γ-rays irradiation and selection of novel genotype in chamomile (Chamomilla recutita [L.] Rauschert)
RK Lal, CS Chanotiya, VR Singh, SS Dhawan, P Gupta, S Shukla, ...
International Journal of Radiation Biology 95 (9), 1242-1250, 2019
Positive correlation between menthol content andin vitro menthol tolerance inMentha arvensis L. cultivars
AK Shasany, SPS Khanuja, S Dhawan, S Kumar
Journal of Biosciences 25, 263-266, 2000
Investigation of monoterpenoids rich essential oils of two Ocimum basilicum L. varieties at different agro-climatic conditions in India
R Maurya, P Gupta, CS Chanotiya, SS Dhawan, S Srivastava, A Yadav, ...
Acta Ecologica Sinica 42 (2), 1-10, 2022
Genetic elaborations of glandular and non-glandular trichomes in Mentha arvensis genotypes: assessing genotypic and phenotypic correlations along with gene …
A Mishra, RK Lal, CS Chanotiya, SS Dhawan
Protoplasma 254, 1045-1061, 2017
Adaptability and stability based differentiation and selection in aromatic grasses (Cymbopogon species) germplasm
P Gupta, SS Dhawan, RK Lal
Industrial Crops and Products 78, 1-8, 2015
Morphological, Chemical and Molecular Characterization of Centella asiatica Germplasms for Commercial Cultivation in the Indo-Gangetic Plains
A Prasad, SS Dhawan, AK Mathur, O Prakash, MM Gupta, RK Verma, ...
Natural product communications 9 (6), 1934578X1400900612, 2014
Menthol tolerant clones of Mentha arvensis: approach for in vitro selection of menthol rich genotypes
S Dhawan, AK Shasany, A Arif Naqvi, S Kumar, SPS Khanuja
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 75, 87-94, 2003
Genotypic and morphological appearance of the traits in relation to genetic diversity of essential oil yield in vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides Roberty)
RK Lal, CS Chanotiya, SS Dhawan, P Gupta, S Sarkar
Acta Scientific Agriculture (ISSN: 2581-365X) 2 (8), 62-72, 2018
Repurposing L-menthol for systems medicine and cancer therapeutics? L-menthol induces apoptosis through caspase 10 and by suppressing HSP90
U Faridi, SS Dhawan, S Pal, S Gupta, AK Shukla, MP Darokar, A Sharma, ...
Omics: a journal of integrative biology 20 (1), 53-64, 2016
Analysis of differentially expressed genes in abiotic stress response and their role in signal transduction pathways
Sanchita, SS Dhawan, A Sharma
Protoplasma 251, 81-91, 2014
Scientific basis of therapeutic uses of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) in Ayurveda
D Mani, SS Dhawan
International Symposium on Papaver 1036, 175-180, 2011
Formulation comprising thymol useful in the treatment of drug resistant bacterial infections
SPS Khanuja, S Srivastava, AK Shasney, MP Darokar, TRS Kumar, ...
US Patent 6,514,541, 2003
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Articles 1–20