Chongxiao Fan
Cited by
Cited by
Quantum topological photonics
Q Yan, X Hu, Y Fu, C Lu, C Fan, Q Liu, X Feng, Q Sun, Q Gong
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (15), 2001739, 2021
Photonic molecule quantum optics
K Liao, X Hu, T Gan, Q Liu, Z Wu, C Fan, X Feng, C Lu, Y Liu, Q Gong
Advances in Optics and Photonics 12 (1), 60-134, 2020
Effective Hamiltonian for photonic topological insulator with non-Hermitian domain walls
Y Li, C Fan, X Hu, Y Ao, C Lu, CT Chan, DM Kennes, Q Gong
Physical Review Letters 129 (5), 053903, 2022
Quantum Topological Photonics (Advanced Optical Materials 15/2021)
Q Yan, X Hu, Y Fu, C Lu, C Fan, Q Liu, X Feng, Q Sun, Q Gong
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (15), 2170056, 2021
Supplemental Materials for “Effective Hamiltonian for Photonic Topological Insulator with non-Hermitian Domain Walls”
Y Li, C Fan, X Hu, Y Ao, C Lu, CT Chan, DM Kennes, Q Gong
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Articles 1–5