Thomas Camminga
Cited by
Cited by
Beyond the senses: How self-directed speech and word meaning structure impact executive functioning and theory of mind in individuals with hearing and language problems
TF Camminga, D Hermans, PCJ Segers, C Vissers
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 1-8, 2021
How word meaning structure relates to executive functioning and theory of mind in children with developmental language disorder: A multiple case study
TF Camminga, D Hermans, E Segers, CTWM Vissers
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments 9, 23969415241268245, 2024
De multidimensionale problematiek bij kinderen met TOS: Lessen uit Vygotsky en Luria
TF Camminga, D Hermans, C Vissers
De zintuigen voorbij: De relatie tussen taal, executieve functies en theory of mind bij mensen met taal- en hoorproblemen
TF Camminga, D Hermans, E Segers, TWM Vissers
Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie 17 (3), 121-133, 2022
Adopt a cultural-historical perspective to adapt misinformation interventions: Reflecting on Harjani et al. 2023
F Panizza, T Camminga, S Gaillard, DJ Grüning
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Articles 1–5