Joshua B. B. Garfield
Joshua B. B. Garfield
Monash University
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Anhedonia in substance use disorders: a systematic review of its nature, course and clinical correlates
JBB Garfield, DI Lubman, M Yücel
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48 (1), 36-51, 2014
Neuropsychological and mood effects of ketamine in electroconvulsive therapy: a randomised controlled trial
CK Loo, N Katalinic, JBB Garfield, K Sainsbury, D Hadzi-Pavlovic, ...
Journal of affective disorders 142 (1-3), 233-240, 2012
Cognitive Bias Modification Training During Inpatient Alcohol Detoxification Reduces Early Relapse: A Randomized Controlled Trial
V Manning, PK Staiger, K Hall, JBB Garfield, G Flaks, D Leung, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 40 (9), 2011-2019, 2016
Effect of Cognitive Bias Modification on Early Relapse Among Adults Undergoing Inpatient Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial
V Manning, JBB Garfield, PK Staiger, DI Lubman, JAG Lum, J Reynolds, ...
JAMA psychiatry 78 (2), 133-140, 2021
Substance use outcomes following treatment: Findings from the Australian Patient Pathways Study
V Manning, JBB Garfield, D Best, L Berends, R Room, J Mugavin, ...
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 51 (2), 177-189, 2017
Characteristics of individuals presenting to treatment for primary alcohol problems versus other drug problems in the Australian patient pathways study
DI Lubman, JBB Garfield, V Manning, L Berends, D Best, JM Mugavin, ...
BMC psychiatry 16 (1), 250, 2016
Combined effects of alcohol and caffeine on the late components of the event-related potential and on reaction time
FH Martin, J Garfield
Biological psychology 71 (1), 63-73, 2006
Speed of response in ultrabrief and brief pulse width right unilateral ECT
CK Loo, JBB Garfield, N Katalinic, I Schweitzer, D Hadzi-Pavlovic
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 16 (4), 755-761, 2013
Improved Quality of Life Following Addiction Treatment Is Associated with Reductions in Substance Use
V Manning, JBB Garfield, T Lam, S Allsop, L Berends, D Best, P Buykx, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 8 (9), 1407, 2019
Evidence that anhedonia is a symptom of opioid dependence associated with recent use
JBB Garfield, SM Cotton, NB Allen, A Cheetham, M Kras, M Yücel, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 177, 29-38, 2017
Problem gambling and substance use in patients attending community mental health services
V Manning, NA Dowling, S Lee, S Rodda, JBB Garfield, R Volberg, ...
Journal of behavioral addictions 6 (4), 678-688, 2017
A Study OF Patient Pathways in alcohol and other drug treatment
D Lubman, V Manning, D Best, L Berends, J Mugavin, B Lloyd, T Lam, ...
Fitzroy: Turning Point, 2014
Psychometric properties, validity, and reliability of the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale state version in an opioid-dependent sample
JBB Garfield, SM Cotton, DI Lubman
Drug and alcohol dependence 161, 238-246, 2016
Dynamic associations between opioid use and anhedonia: A longitudinal study in opioid dependence
DI Lubman, JBB Garfield, SM Gwini, A Cheetham, SM Cotton, M Yücel, ...
Journal of Psychopharmacology 32 (9), 957-964, 2018
Alcohol use in the year following approach bias modification during inpatient withdrawal: secondary outcomes from a double‐blind, multi‐site randomized controlled trial
V Manning, JBB Garfield, J Reynolds, PK Staiger, H Piercy, Y Bonomo, ...
Addiction 117 (11), 2837-2846, 2022
A Personalized Approach Bias Modification Smartphone App (“SWiPE”) to Reduce Alcohol Use: Open-Label Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Effectiveness Study
V Manning, H Piercy, JBB Garfield, SG Clark, MN Andrabi, DI Lubman
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (12), e31353, 2021
Feasibility and acceptability of approach bias modification during methamphetamine withdrawal and related methamphetamine use outcomes
V Manning, JBB Garfield, K Mroz, SC Campbell, H Piercy, PK Staiger, ...
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 106, 12-18, 2019
The effects of FG7142 on overexpectation of Pavlovian fear conditioning.
JBB Garfield, GP McNally
Behavioral neuroscience 123 (1), 75, 2009
Personalized Approach Bias Modification Smartphone App (“SWIPE”) to Reduce Alcohol Use Among People Drinking at Hazardous or Harmful Levels: Protocol for an Open-Label …
V Manning, H Piercy, JBB Garfield, DI Lubman
JMIR Research Protocols 9 (8), e21278, 2020
Attention to pleasant stimuli in early adolescence predicts alcohol-related problems in mid-adolescence
JBB Garfield, NB Allen, A Cheetham, JG Simmons, DI Lubman
Biological psychology 108, 43-50, 2015
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Articles 1–20